Year 3

Welcome to Year 3's class page. Miss Morgan is  the Class Teacher. Mrs Baylie and Mrs Dunne are the Teaching Assistants in the classroom.

Our Class Saint

Saint Francis of Assisi is our Class Saint, who is the patron saint of animals and the environment. He was known for his compassion and for his deep connection to all beings particularly the animal kingdom. Saint Francis helps us understand how we can show stewardship of God's creation, part of our Catholic Social Teaching. His feast day is the 4th October.

'Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.'

What will my child be learning about this term?


Reading is so important for the mind and brain.  In Year 3, we spend time reading individually, in lessons, and for enjoyment.  Children are encouraged to read daily with their parents/carers, and what they read is to be logged on BoomReader.

Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.

Username: ambrose3

Password: ambrose3


Children will receive their homework towards the end of each week - this will be in their homework books. This is due in on a Wednesday

Alongside spellings and sentence writing, we love to practice our times tables and handwriting!

We enjoy playing games like Hit The Button and Times Tables Rockstars to help us learn our tables, we often use songs to learn them in Class too! 


Every Wednesday, children will be tested on their weekly spellings. Their new spellings will then be set on a Thursday and these can be accessed on Spelling Shed. Children's log-ins to this are in their Homework Books.

They are to learn these spellings and their meanings.

Homework books are due in on Wednesdays.


Year 3 will have their PE lessons on Tuesdays (swimming) and Thursdays (Fitness).

Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.


In the Autumn term, our topics are 'It's All Greek to Me!' where we will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks and 'Extreme Earth' where we will be learning all about aspects of physical geography in the context of what is under the Earth's surface: volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes!

In Spring, our topics are 'Through the Ages' and 'Rainforest Explorers'. We will find out all about what humans needed for survival in the Stone Age; what was found at Skara Braw and why it was important; what copper minding meant to the people of the Bronze Age and how evidence about Stonehenge and Druids can give us different answers about the past. We will also discover where the rainforests are; learn to describe key aspects of tropical climates; learn about the animals and plants living in the rainforest and the effects humans are having on the rainforests.

'British Empire' and 'Home Sweet Home' are our topics for the Summer Term. We will find out all about Queen Victoria, the British Empire and the abolishment of the slave trade. We will also be able to name and locate the countries and cities of the UK; name and locate areas of high ground in the UK and identify ways that the UK has changed over time.


Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends daily unless they are poorly.

Every day there is something exciting happening in Year 3!

Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568.


First Holy Communion is on Sunday 15th June 2025 at St Ambrose Catholic Church.

Emmaus CMAC
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