Welcome to Year 6's class page. Mrs Shevas is the class teacher; Mrs Joyner is the teaching assistant that supports in class.
Our class saint is Maximilian Kolbe - he became a martyr in the German death Camp of Auschwitz during World War II. We look to him to help us show dignity to other people, part of our Catholic Social Teaching.
'Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving. Without sacrifice there is no love.'
Reading and reading for pleasure are really important in Year 6.
Pupils are encouraged to read daily, for at least twenty minutes, and log their reading journey onto Boom Reader (logins are kept in homework books). It will be useful for pupils to read to an adult a couple of times a week and for the adult to ask them questions about what they are reading - this will help to develop comprehension skills.
The book they are currently reading must be in their bag every day (whether from our class, school library or from home).
Throughout the year, we will also read lots of different books together and this will help inspire our writing!
Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.
Username: ambrose6
Password: ambrose6
SPAG / Maths / Comprehension:
Given out on Thursday Return on Tuesday
Pieces given out will vary depending on lessons
and how close we are to SATS.
Given out on Thursday Spelling test on Tuesday
Children can learn the words in any way they choose to.
Children do not need to write sentences with words in, however they must know the meanings and will be tested on these during spelling tests.
If children are not finding out the meanings of words, they will be asked and expected to write sentences to encourage them to do so.
Times Tables:
It is vital that children know all their times tables - these are important for SATS, secondary school and life!
Children can regularly practice on Times Tables Rockstars - look out for school and national competitions.
Children should be reading daily!
The book they are currently reading must be in their bag every day (whether from our class, school library or from home)
Homework is an important tool for children to develop / consolidate their learning. If children don't want to / can't find the time to complete work at home, they know they are able to complete the work on any lunchtime to make it easier.
Topics in the Y6 programme of study:
In Year 6, children will do more complex work with decimals, fractions and percentages. We will begin to learn about proportion, ratio and algebra, how to interpret and make pie charts, as well as looking at co-ordinates on four quadrants. We will also learn to measure area, volume and perimeter. Y6 learners will also multiply and divide numbers (up to 4 digits) and number work also covers negative, prime and square numbers.
It is essential that your child keep practising their times tables and why not try these things at home:
Year 6 have PE on Wednesday and Friday. Children are to come to school wearing their correct PE kit on this day.
Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.
In the Autumn Term, we will be learning all about mountains in our topic: 'Reach the Summit' We will learn to describe key areas of mountain ranges, how different types of mountains are formed and investigate how tourism can affect mountain ranges.
At the end of Autumn Term and in Spring Term, we will be learning all about World War I. In our topic 'The Great War' we will learn why Britain entered the World War I and what life was like for soldiers on the front line.
In Summer Term, our history unit is 'The Vanishing Civilisation' where we will learn all about the Maya civilisation and explain who the Maya people were and when and where in the world they lived. In geography, we will find out all about the UK's trade links with other countries and use maps to show these links. We will find out about the trade links between El Salvador and the UK, the importance of fair trade and how trading has changed throughout history.
On Saturday 7th December, our Year 6 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Mass on Saint Ambrose's Feast day in Saint Ambrose's Church.
What are SATs?
Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are designed to find out if children are on track to meet the expected standards in English and maths as set out by the government.
All papers children take for Key Stage 2 SATs are marked externally and the results are used to measure the school’s performance. Tests are set each year to the same specification, but because questions must be different, the difficulty of tests may vary slightly each year. For this reason, raw scores are converted into scaled scores to ensure accurate comparisons of pupil performance over time.
A scaled score of 100 or more means a child is working at the expected standard – termed ‘AS’, while a score below 100 indicates that a child hasn’t reached the government expected standard – termed ‘NS’. The maximum score possible is 120, and the minimum is 80. Results will be shared in your child's Annual Report to Parents.
To meet government expectations, pupils must achieve 100 in their scaled scores. However, this equates to different marks for each paper (maths; reading; grammar, punctuation and spelling) and can change each school year.
This year, SATs week will be 12th - 15th May 2025.
SATs aren't about passing or failing, but are used to reflect the level your child is working at. We don't see them as a one-off period in the school calendar but as a part of the overall teaching your child receives throughout their whole time at primary school. We aim to ensure your child is as prepared as they can be to minimise any stress they may feel about the assessments.
How can you help your child?
It is important that homework is completed on time and returned to school on the correct day - it will be then reviewed in class.
Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends daily unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568.
If parents need to get in touch with Mrs Shevas, the easiest way to do this is via year6_amb@emmausmac.com