Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page. Mr Pitt is the Year 5 Class Teacher and Mrs Joyner is the Teaching Assistant.



Our class saint is Saint Vincent De Paul who spent his life preaching missions to and providing relief to the poor. Saint Vincent helps us understand the Catholic Social Teaching of rights and responsibilities - we all have a role we need to play in ensuring everyone has a right to live a dignified life. 

In Year 5, we are Mini Vinnies - we work together to support the work that Saint Vincent did and we raise money for charities that help make a difference to those in need in our community.

'The practice of charity, such as assisting the suffering members of Our Lord, is to be preferred to all other exercises.'


Year 5 have P.E on a Wednesday and a Friday. During the Autumn Term, we will be focusing upon OAA, Tag Rugby, Hockey and Dance. Children are to come to school wearing their P.E kit on both P.E days.

Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.

Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.

Spellings and Homework

Spellings and Homework will be set every Thursday and will need to be returned on the following Tuesday. 

Spellings and homework to be set on Purple Mash as well as a paper copy to be added to their homework books. Children are to learn their weekly spellings and the meaning as they will be tested on using the focused word in a sentence.

Below is a list of Year 5 & 6 common exception words. These words will be included in future spelling assessments.



Reading and reading for pleasure are really important in Year 5. Pupils are encouraged to read daily, for at least twenty minutes, and what they have read is to be logged on the Go Read app. Both Pupils and  parents are asked to  complete information on Go Read, which replaces the paper reading diaries from previous years.

Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.

Username: ambrose5

Password: ambrose5


In Autumn term, our topic is 'An Egyptian Experience'. We will be learning about particular pharaohs and the relationship the Egyptians had with the afterlife and their gods. We will also take a look at pyramids, hieroglyphics, the procedures of mummification and how evidence can give us different answers about the past.

'Raging Rivers' and 'Off With Her Head' are our topics in the Spring Term. In our raging rivers topic, we will locate the key rivers in the UK and the world, we describe the key features of a river system, find out about the ways in which rivers are used and discover the impact of damming rivers. We will also learn about what life was like in Tudor Britain and all about Henry VIII and his six wives.

In the Summer term, our topics are 'Mapping It Out' and 'Look to the East'. We will use a key to describe features on and Ordnance Survey map; use the four of six-figure grid references to locate places on a map and plan a journey using the eight compass points and four or six-figure grid references. We will also compare features and climate of eastern European landscapes with our own area and be able to explain the impact of Chernobyl nuclear disaster.


Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends daily unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568.

Year Group Email

If parents need to get in touch with Mr Pitt, the easiest way to do this is via 

Emmaus CMAC
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application