Miss Brewer is the Reception class teacher and Mrs Doohan is the teaching assistant.
Year Group Email:
If you would like to get in contact with Miss Gawthorp, please email reception_amb@emmausmac.com
Our Class Saint
The Holy Family (Jesus, his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his foster father, Saint Joseph) are our class saints and they are the ultimate model for Christian families. They help remind us of the importance of family and community - part of our Catholic Social Teaching.
'The light which comes from the Holy Family encourages us to offer human warmth to other families' - Pope Francis, 2014
What will my child be learning about this term?
Reading in Reception is magical.
Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity, and stimulates the imagination in young children. Often, this leads to role-play as children grow which helps to develop other skills such as empathy, problem-solving, and morality. In Reception, we spend time reading individually, reading with a partner, and reading for pleasure.
Children are encouraged to read daily at home, and log it on the Boom reader app.
When children and parents log their reading on Go Read, they can earn gems and exchange these for small rewards!
Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.
Username: ambroser
Password: ambroser
Reception have P.E. on Mondays - please send your child to school in their P.E. kit.
Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.
In the Autumn Term we explore the topics of 'Only one you!' and 'The Christmas Experts'. We use books as a stimulus to enhance our vocabulary. We will talk about different jobs that people do, discuss our family and look at ways in which we have changed. We will develop a sense of our own history and celebrate our diverse community. Additionally we will use our senses to explore natural materials. After half term we will move to looking at past events in our own loves and look at festivals from around the world. We will study Penguins and take part in investigations linked to books we have read.
In the Spring Term we explore the topics of 'Nia hao' and 'Once upon a time'. Our journey will begin with learning about the country of China. We fully immerse ourselves in the culture and celebrate the Chinese New Year. Again, key texts will support our vocabulary. Our role play will become a restaurant where children can apply their knowledge and skills from the books they have listen to. For the second part of the term we will travel on a journey looking at the story language from well known traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the three bears and compare it to stories from other countries. We will have the opportunity to build and construct linked to our topic. We will look at Key Women in History and in Fairytales. We will end the topic by putting our green fingers to the test. There will be a chance to plant seeds and investigate plants and animals further.
In the Summer Term we explore further 'Once upon a time' and 'The Holiday Experts.' We will compare old and new. We will look at changes over time when exploring life cycles. We will gain an understanding of the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books and storytelling. We will study the 'Three Little Pigs' where we will design, build and decorate our own houses. Finally we will make observations of our world and read books which highlight the importance of looking after our environment. There will be a chance to look aerial views linked to our different learning. We will use maps and globes to explore countries we have all visited and compare the different places.
Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends school every day unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568
Outdoor Area
We love exploring in our outdoor area. We have a den building area, problem solving activities, a track for riding our bikes, a climbing area and a construction area to keep us busy.
Phonics is a key priority for your child.
Speaking like Fred helps children to understand that words are made up of sounds. Use Fred Talk throughout the day to help children practise blending sounds together.
Fred says...
1. Say: Fred says put your hands on your h-e-d. Ask children to repeat. Pause to allow children to jump in with the whole word and do the action.
2. Say: h-ea-d, head. Ask children to repeat.
Repeat with: b-a-ck, t-u-m, l-e-g, h-a-n-d, f-oo-t, kn-ee, r-u-n, s-k-i-p, h-o-p, s-t-o-p
Fred I spy
Say: Fred says ‘I spy something r-e-d’ Ask children to repeat. Pause to allow children to ‘jump-in’ with the whole word and point to something red.
Say: r-e-d, red. Ask children to repeat.
Repeat with: b-l-ue, g-r-ee-n, b-l-a-ck, b-r-ow-n
Fred’s fridge
Milk m-i-l-k, juice -j-ui-ce; cream c-r-ea-m; eggs e-gg-s; corn c-or-n; grape g-r-ay-p; pear p-ear; peas p-ea-s; leek l-ee-k
Fred’s wardrobe
Scarf s-c-ar-f; hat h-a-t; coat c-oa-t; socks s-o-ck-s; shorts sh-or-t-s; dress d-r-e-ss; skirt s-k-ir-t
Use Fred Talk for single syllabic words at the end of sentences throughout the day. E.g. It is time for l-u-n-ch...lunch, come and sit on the f-l-oor...floor.
Write your name.
Write labels for items in your house.
The phonics packs provided at the start of the year will be a great resource to use at home, and currently the website PhonicsPlay has become free to use so is definitely worth trying:
Please ensure your child reads regularly at home, for a minimum of 20 minutes fives times a week. This includes bedtime stories, or reading with your parents!
Do not forget to track your reading on the GoRead app. You can win special gems!
Physical Development
Physical Development Activities
Gross Motor activities
Sea Lion
Ask your child lie on their stomach with legs straight and arms bent at right angles to the body on either side. Slowly ask them to lift their head until it is level with their back (only 4-5 inches off the ground). The head should not be tilted back, if necessary an adult can place a hand at the top of their spine to let them ‘feel’ where the correct level is. Hold for x 3 building up to x 5; then slowly let the head down to the starting point. Repeat x 1 building up to x 5.
Nosey Sea Lion
Starting position as for the sea lion. Have your child raise their head to the level of the back; then push up with the arms until resting on the forearms. Hold this position for 3 – 5 seconds. Slowly lower the body to the ground keeping the head in line with the back. Repeat x 1 building up to 5 times.
Seal Push-Ups
Have your child lie on their tummy propping on their forearms. Then have them push up onto straight arms and hold this for a count of 5 before slowly lowering back down onto tummy and then repeat. As progress is noted increase the number of repetitions and the length of time the position is held for.
Have your child lie on their tummy with their arms in front of them and then simultaneously raise their head, arms and legs off the ground. Legs should be kept straight. Encourage your child by saying you’re flying like superman”. Start with 5 seconds and work your way up to 20 seconds as your child’s strength increases.
Football Roll
Have your child lie on their tummy propping on their forearms. Place a football between their hands, ask your child to place both hands onto the ball and roll it away from their body (keeping hands/arms in contact with the ball), then roll it back to starting point. Repeat this 5 times. Then ask your child to do the same activity first with their right hand then with their left. As your child’s stamina increases increase the number of repetitions.
Animal walks
Have your child sit on their bottom, with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and hands flat on the floor beside or slightly behind their bottom. Ask them to lift their bottom off the floor, taking their weight through their hands and feet. Walk forwards, backwards and sideways.
Crab football
Using the crab position (described above) try to kick a football between goalposts – this can be played individually, in pairs or in a small group.
Ask your child to bend their knees and crouch down, resting their hands on the floor in floor in front of them, with their elbows on the inside of their knees. Then they stretch their arms out in front of them, and lean through their hands (keeping elbows straight) as they hop their feet forward. Remember, their legs stay outside of their arms.
Balancing Dog
Have our child start on all fours. Ask them to raise one arm out in front of them and then raise the opposite leg out behind them. Legs should be straight. Hold arm and leg up for a count of 5 before returning to start position and change to raising the other arm/leg. To increase the difficulty increase the length of time the position is held for.
Fine Motor Activities
How many paper clips can you join together?
Can you practise forming your letters?
How many pieces of pasta can you pick up using tweezers in 1 minute?
Make holes in a piece of card using a hole punch. Now get some string and thread it in and out.
Useful Website Links: