Welcome to Year One.

Miss Gawthorp is the class teacher of Year 1. Mrs Davies and Mrs Staite are the teaching assistants across KS1.

Our Class Saint

Saint Joseph, the Worker, is our class saint. He was a carpenter and is often depicted with either the tools of his trade to signify that he was a worker. Work is seen as something that brings dignity to the human person as it is the means 'of providing for his life and that of his family, and of serving the human community'. Therefore, Saint Joseph helps us to understand the importance of the dignity and rights of workers - that everyone's work should be safe and helpful to them because God made them - part of our Catholic Social Teaching.

What will my child be learning this term?


Reading is really important in Year One as we continue to progress with our phonics knowledge. Children are encouraged to read daily at home and record it on the Go read app. In class we read for pleasure in the book corner and have phonics sessions daily. We are also learning to read for meaning and answer questions about the books that we read.

Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.

Username: ambrose1

Password: ambrose1


Year One will have P.E. every Tuesday and Thursday. Please come to school on these days in your P.E. uniform. 

Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.


Year One will take their spelling check every Monday. 


In Autumn 1, our topic is: 'Stop, Look and Investigate. We will look at google earth to find our school, go on a treasure hunt and use a variety of maps. In Autumn 2, our topic is 'Bang, Crackle, Whosh' where we will find out all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot - we will look at different sources to find out what went wrong and look at the differences in how people such as Guy Fawkes lived, compared with today.

'Once Upon A Journey' is our topic throughout the spring term. We will learn about the UK and the different characteristics of the four countries; devise simple maps of London and explore where Paddington Bear is from: Peru. We will look at the role of our current monarch and find out about important monarchs of the past. We will enjoy a medieval banquet and find out how the title of king or queen is inherited.

In summer, our topics are: 'A Step Back In Time' and 'Whatever the Weather' where we will go back in time to the Victorian era and be a Victorian school child for the day. We will compare old and new toys and compare technology from now and then by interviewing our grandparents! In 'Whatever the Weather', we will be weather presenters and look at seasonal change.



If parents need to get in touch with Miss Gawthorp the easiest way to do this is via year1_amb@emmausmac.com

Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends school every day unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568

Emmaus CMAC
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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