Take a look at us Living Out
Our Faith in previous years!:
Live Simply Ambassadors
We have been inspired by Laudato Si', a letter from Pope Francis about caring for our common home. The Live Simply Ambassadors are developing a culture of 'buy less, share more' through a book swap.
From Monday 10th June, there will be two boxes (chosen by the Year 2 Live Simply Ambassadors) in the school entrance for both Parents/carers and children to come and swap books.
Sacred Heart
In the Church calendar the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and today we celebrate the feast day. The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents Jesus Christ's divine love and compassion for humanity manifested through his death on the cross to redeem humanity from sin. The image typically depicts Jesus revealing his heart, often surrounded by flames, thorns, and a cross, symbolising his suffering and sacrifice. Catholics believe that through devotion to the Sacred Heart, they can draw closer to Jesus and experience his love and mercy more profoundly.
The Year of Prayer – the Our Father
The Liturgical Leaders led our Celebration of the Word, which was based on the prayer Jesus gave us, the Our Father. Following this, the whole school completed various activities based on the special prayer. Artwork was created, own prayers were written and actions for each line were designed. The children had a lovely morning and when I met with the Liturgical Group on Tuesday, they expressed how they had enjoyed the morning and they thought of other ways we could explore the Our Father as a school in the future.
On Monday, as a whole school we gathered for the special feast of Pentecost. We heard the scripture reading from the Acts of the Apostles and remembered how the gift of the Holy Spirit enabled the apostles to continue Jesus’ work and so the Church was born.
Our Lady – May Procession
As a whole school we gathered together to think of Our Lady. Due to the unpredictable weather we decided that the May Procession would take place in the hall and it was a wonderful occasion. The Year Six children led us through saying the Rosary for the Joyful Mysteries.
As a school we have been learning about Mary, her apparitions, titles given to her and prayers that are dedicated to her.
Nursery and Reception - Mary the Mother of Jesus
Year One - Our Lady of Lourdes
Year Two - Our Lady of Guadeloupe
Year Three - Our Lady of Knock
Year Four - Our Lady of Fatima
Year Five - the prayer of the Magnificat
Year Six - titles given to Mary and the Regina Ceali
Feast of the Ascension
Yesterday, as a whole school we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension by attending Mass. At the Ascension we remember Jesus returning to his Father in Heaven. Well done to all the readers who read so clearly and to all the children for singing so beautifully and joining in with the responses. Two members of the parish spoke to me at the end of Mass and said 'Pass on my thanks to all of the children as their singing was lovely and their behaviour was impeccable' and another said 'Well done to all involved, especially the readers'. Thank you to Canon Lamb and to all the altar servers for helping him.
Odd Shoe Day – Father Hudson Care
It was lovely today to see such an array of trainers, sandals, wellies, boots and shoes all in aid of Father Hudson's Care. Each child was asked to donate £1 for the charity. The prime purpose of Father Hudson's Care is to provide a range of services to people across the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, an area encompassing Oxford, Stoke-On-Trent, Coventry, Warwick, Worcester and Wolverhampton. They work with people from all walks of life, offering friendship, care and support.
Altogether we have raised £202 for Father Hudson’s Care.
The winners of the best odd shoe pairing were:
Nursery – Alaina
Reception – Elwood
Year One – Florence W
Year Two – Anna
Year Three – Harriet
Year Four – Jack
Year Five – Ruby
Year Six – James
Staff - Mrs Shevas and Mrs Laskey
Well done and enjoy your chocolate buttons!
The Good Shepherd Mass
Today (22nd April) we started the day beautiful Mass in Church with all the Reception and Key Stage One children. Canon Lamb spoke to all the children about the Good Shepherd. He explained how the shepherd represents Jesus and as his sheep we are to follow Him. The Good Shepherd guides, protects and comforts us in times of need.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me,” John 10:14
Well done to all the readers for reading so clearly, and to all the children who were excellent with their responses. Thank you to Canon Lamb and to the parents who were able to attend.
One Life Music – Easter Live Stream
As a school we gathered together today for the One Life Easter live stream where we all sang and prayed together during this special season of Easter.
Year R: I liked the singing.
Year 1: It made me feel relaxed. I loved the songs.
Year 2: I liked gathering with everyone.
Year 3: It was happy and joyful.
Year 4: We really enjoyed singing. We learnt about Spring and Easter/
Year 5: We enjoyed singing to God. It was joyous.
Year 6: It was nice that we all came together.
Come and Pray with Us
Over the past two terms, all the children have been very active in planning, preparing, leading and evaluating prayer and liturgy sessions in their classrooms for their friends.
The children and staff at St Ambrose would like to invite parents and carers to one of these sessions in the coming weeks. Please see below the date of your child’s class ‘Come and Pray with Us’ sessions.
In the afternoon, please come to the School Reception (Office) and sign in. Grandparents and younger siblings are welcome to attend.
Date |
Time |
Year Group |
Monday 29th April 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Five |
Monday 13th May 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year One |
Monday 20th May 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Three |
Monday 3rd June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Six |
Monday 10th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Four |
Monday 17th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Reception |
Monday 24th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Two |
The Year of Prayer - Liturgical Leaders
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. There is a particular focus on the Our Father, and this presents us with a great opportunity to go back to the basics of prayer.
The Liturgical Group have met and thought about different ways that we could celebrate the Year of Prayer. One idea is to use Pope Francis’ Five Finger Prayer and to celebrate this through designing posters. The Liturgical Group presented this idea today to the children during assembly and your child will have brought a leaflet home explaining what they have to do. All poster designs need to be in school by Monday 29th April 2024 ready to be displayed around school.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Eastertide is upon us – 8th April
Today we started the new term with all the children and staff gathered together for an Easter Liturgy. During the liturgy we remembered the key events of Jesus' resurrection and recalled how in John’s Gospel account Mary Magdalene says to Jesus' disciples 'I have seen the Lord'. We all thought for a moment about that first meeting of Jesus and how we are to celebrate that Christ is alive and speaks to each of us by name. Over the coming weeks we will hear about the other sightings of Jesus that shows he truly is the Risen Lord.
During Lent we could not say the word Alleluia and so now that it is Eastertide, we use it as a word of great celebration. During the liturgy, we shared the acrostic verses of positive attitudes and activities that we can do through the Season of Easter.
A - Always be thankful for what God gives you
L - Love one another as Jesus has loved you
L - Let other people know you are a follower of Jesus by your actions
E - Everyday during Easter remember to pray to the Risen Lord
L - Listen to Jesus speaking in your heart
U - Understand that God is interested in everyone
I - I am a child of God and God loves me
A - Always make some time for God
During the liturgy we presented our Liturgical Leaders with their golden cross badges which they all wore very proudly. This is to make it clear to us all who they are in school and to celebrate the important role they have in the schools Catholic life. They have since met and are creating the new prayer areas for the children around school and are planning for the month of Mary during May and considering how we should, as a school, should learn about the important prayer that Jesus gave us, the Our Father. I look forward to meeting again with them next week.
On Wednesday we celebrated a whole school Mass together. Thank you to all the readers and servers who helped Canon Lamb. Thank you also to Canon Lamb and the parish for their very kind gift of a Paschal candle so that we can have it displayed in school. The Reception children led us beautifully out of church as we processed with the candle while singing ‘Alleluia, Alleluia’.
What a lovely start to the Summer Term!
Holy Week at St Ambrose
Every day this week we have gathered as a school to remember the key events of Holy Week.
On Monday we started with Year Four and the event of Palm Sunday. The children acted out Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem by shouting hosanna, hosanna.
On Tuesday, Year Five reminded us of an event that is often forgotten, the destroying of the temple. As Jesus entered the temple he was angry at the fact that the market traders had taken over and that the temple was no long a house of prayer. Year Five portrayed this through acting, singing and prayer. They asked us all to think about, does temptation get in the way of worship?
Year Three led the prayer and liturgy on Wednesday about the Last Supper which is significant to their learning in class and for those who are preparing to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. They helped us to remember that the Last Supper was the first Mass and the importance of the words ‘Do this in memory of me’.
Yesterday Year Six took us all on the journey of the cross. Through prayer, singing and freeze frames all children and adults took time to remember the true sacrifice that was made by Jesus. All children showed great reverence and responded to ‘We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you’ by saying altogether ‘Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world’.
Some of the children’s thoughts about the week were,
Florence H- ‘I liked when they read from the Bible’.
Paddy- ‘It was a really special meal. Jesus held up bread and wine’.
Grace- ‘I liked the freeze frames of each station’.
Lily- ‘The song made us think of Jesus during Holy Week’.
Well done to all the children in Key Stage Two for their dedication to the roles in portraying the significant events.
Lenten Fundraising - CAFOD and Father Hudson Care
World Day of Prayer
Year Six represented the school today at the World Day of Prayer service that took place in Church. The service itself was prepared by the Christian women of Palestine, the land in which Jesus was born, ministered and died, where the Christian faith began and is rooted. Thank you to all of Year Six who all had responsibilities such as, welcoming the guests, handing out the booklets, singing and reading the prayers for peace.
Feast Day Celebrations for St Chad
Today (Friday 1st March) all the children from Saint Chad’s House (yellow) went to church to celebrate Mass as tomorrow is Saint Chad’s feast day. Thank you to the servers who helped Canon Lamb and to the excellent readers. You were all very clear in your voice and took care. Today all the children in Saint Chad’s house have brought home a yellow topped cupcake, made by AIP to celebrate the feast day. Happy Feast Day St Chad!
Gospel Virtues - Faith-Filled & Hopeful
On Monday morning the whole school were introduced to the new virtues for this half term, these being faith-filled and hopeful. The virtues tree that is known as the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile is created by several sets of virtues and values and upon the tree is a goldfinch. I showed the children several pieces of religious art that has the goldfinch in them and explained to the children that it represents Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is said that as the goldfinch eats thistles and thorns the red marking on their head is from a bird taking a thorn from the crown of thorns that Jesus wore on his head during His crucifixion. We now have pictures of goldfinches displayed around school to remind us of Jesus’ presence. Following the prayer and liturgy the children went back to class to think about how they can demonstrate the values of being faith-filled and hopeful.
Installation of Canon Lamb
Tuesday 6th February was a very special day for the Parish of St. Ambrose as it was the installation of Father Lamb as an Honorary Canon of the Metropolitan Cathedral of St Chad. Myself and Mrs. Brocklesby joined the parishioners of St. Ambrose at St. Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham. the Most Reverend Bernard Longley, the Archbishop of Birmingham presided over the Mass and it was a wonderful celebration of recognition of Canon Lamb’s work within our parish and beyond. During the Key Stage One Mass on Wednesday the children presented a card and present from all the children and staff.
St Nicholas Owen Feast Day Mass
We continued our house feast day celebrations on Tuesday for all the children in blue house as it was Saint Nicholas Owen’s feast day. The children attended the parish Mass in the morning and ended the day with a blue topped cupcake made by AiP. It was lovely to have so many children say thank you for their special cake. Happy Feast Day St Nicholas Owen!
St Wulstan’s Feast Day Mass
All the children in Saint Wulstan’s house went to church to celebrate Mass as the 19th January is Saint Wulstan's feast day. Father Lamb spoke to us about how Saint Wulstan was the Bishop of Worcester and was very wise and faithful. Thank you to the servers who helped Father Lamb and to the excellent readers. You were all very clear in your voice and took care. Today all the children in Saint Wulstan’s house have brought home a red topped cupcake, made by AIP to celebrate the feast day. Happy Feast Day St Wulstan!
Christmas Jumper Day Fundraising – Winston’s Wish
Thank you to everyone that made a donation on Christmas Jumper day. We collected £95 in total which will be donated to the amazing charity Winstons Wish.
Min-Vinnies – Christmas Quiz for the Parish
On Friday evening the Mini-Vinnies supported the parish with the maintenance fundraising. The Mini-Vinnies held a quiz night and Kian, Robyn and Ruby from Year Five, happily led the quiz and between them they were fantastic hosts. It was an enjoyable evening had by all and £60 was raised for the parish. Thank you to Kian, Robyn and Ruby and to Mr Pitt for supporting the Mini-Vinnies.
Milton Hall – Christmas Tree Celebration
During the past two weeks the children have had the opportunity to go to Milton Hall for the Christmas Tree Festival. The children all contributed to St Ambrose’s Christmas trees with bee decorations (KS1) and class saint’s decorations (KS2). The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and had the opportunity to ask questions about the church and its importance to the Baptist community in Kidderminster. When Year One visited they said seeing the Christmas trees and being in the church was ‘exciting, brilliant, joyful, amazing, relaxing and peaceful’. Thank you to Mrs. Strong for supporting the organisation of it and welcoming us, and to Mrs. Strong (senior) who bought refreshments for the children and to the number of volunteers who gave their time in making this a special Christmas memory for the children at St Ambrose.
Receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation - Thursday 7th December
On the afternoon of Thursday 7th December, Year Six welcomed Bishop David Evans and Father Lamb into school to talk to them about Confirmation. Bishop David was very impressed with the children’s knowledge about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and felt that they were all very well prepared. He spoke at length about the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how we can use them effectively in our lives. The children asked Bishop David some very interesting questions which I felt showed how attentive and interested the children were in his life and the choices he had made for his vocation to the priesthood.
In the evening the children received the Sacrament of Confirmation at that Parish Mass held for celebrating the Feast of St Ambrose. The Mass was beautiful, and it was a lovely celebration of the children continuing their journey of faith. They all showed great respect and reverence.
We thank those children who didn’t make their Confirmation but came to support their friends. The Mass was followed by a joyful celebration in the parish hall with pizzas for all. These were provided by Father Lamb. Thank you also to the UCM for the refreshments.
‘’Confirmation was important to me because it was my third step into becoming part of the Catholic Church and God’s Family. It was important because the Bishop put the oil of Christ on our forehead, plus you get to meet him!’’ Charlie
“Confirmation was great yesterday because we renewed our baptism promises and we received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Also, we saw all our friends and family. It was a good time.’’ James
“Confirmation was so special to me because I felt happy and joyful with my friends and family, and as the Bishop sealed me with the Holy Spirit I felt good and I had more courage about my faith.’’ Katie
“Confirmation was special to me because I got to see my friends, get confirmed and see my journey through confirmation. I felt nervous but I got more confident when I saw my friends and family, who came to see me renew my baptismal promises and watch me get confirmed!’’ Fia-Bella
“I enjoyed it very much. I did get a bit scared whilst being stood up in church but being confirmed gave me much confidence! I have learnt a lot about each Saint, and I am really glad I did it, and I loved the after party!’’ Niamh
Ambrosefest - Wednesday 6th December - Friday 8th December
On Wednesday 6th December each year group was invited to an assembly led by Mr Thomas, who is the Lay Chaplain from Hagley RC High School. He spoke to the children about the life of St Ambrose and how from an early age he was faith-filled and had the courage to talk to people about the church and his faith in God. St Ambrose was a Doctor of the church because both of his writings and teachings were so important and had a significant impact on the early church.
Following the assembly, as a school we celebrated Mass together in church. All the children sang beautifully, and the readers read with such reverence. Thank you to Father Lamb for celebrating the Mass with us and to the altar servers who helped.
On Thursday all the children welcomed one another by saying ‘Happy Feast Day’ and enjoyed using their gained facts about St Ambrose in their work.
In Reception the children were very excited and eagerly found out lots of information about St Ambrose.
“A swarm of bees went in his mouth” - Evie
“As sweet as honey” - Summer
“We have bees on our jumper because of Saint Ambrose” - Louis
Mrs Gawthorp asked the children ‘Why do we have bees on our school jumper?’
“because they dropped honey in his mouth” -
“because he said words of honey”
“they went in his mouth and drop some honey”
The children noticed the bees on our school jumper and designed their our own beehives as St Ambrose was the patron saint of beekeepers.
When Year One entered the classroom they all said 'Happy St Ambrose Day'. They made their own St Ambrose bees and said why they love coming to St Ambrose Catholic Primary School. When they went to Mass on Wednesday they stayed behind to look at the wonderful St Ambrose Statue. They saw the shepherds crook and the honey pot that St Ambrose was holding.
“I love coming to school to see my friends.” Florence H
“I like coming to school because the teachers are kind.” Charlotte
“I like St Ambrose because the classroom is nice.” Nicole
“I love St Ambrose because I learn lots at school.” Thomas B
“I love Art at St Ambrose.” Henry
Year Two had a lovely time learning about and celebrating the life of St Ambrose. They really enjoyed of the Mass lead by Father Lamb and the assembly from Mr Thomas. In class they each made a peg doll St Ambrose and wrote their our own class litany to the St Ambrose.
“A bee was in St Ambrose's mouth and then he could speak good, sweet words”
“He would go around the city telling them that God loves them”
“St Ambrose spread the word of God in Milan and he was the Bishop of Milan”
“St Ambrose is good because he was the Bishop of Milan”
“St Ambrose says sweet words and he was full of love”
“St Ambrose is the patron saint of beggars, Milan, bee keepers and learning”
“St Ambrose talked about God and he spread the word of God. He loved God. He is the Patron Saint of beggars, bee keepers, Milan and learning”
“St Ambrose was a loving and compassionate person he gave away his money to the poor.”
“St Ambrose was a sweet-talking person. A bee stung his tongue and then he could speak sweet words about God”.
In Year Three the children enjoyed watching a video all about the life of St Ambrose. They then created a class collage of images and words relating to his life.
“When St Ambrose was voted in as the Bishop of Milan, he ran away and hid!' Abel
“St Ambrose is the patron saint of bee keepers, because when he was little a swarm of bees landed on him, but none of them stung him!” Isla
Year Four spent the afternoon learning and celebrating St Ambrose on his feast day. We made posters all about him and his life and when he was canonised.
Christ and King and Getting Ready for the Season of Advent
When the Son of Man comes in His glory, escorted by all the angels, then He will take His seat on His throne of glory. Matthew 25: 31
We celebrated the Feast of Christ as King and remember Jesus’ promise to return in glory. In these prayers, children are reminded that God is with us now loving us and guiding us in every part of our day. Children were introduced to the concept of freedom and how we make different choices in life and, through the analogy of an outing to a park, they were invited to reflect on how we can listen to God guiding us when we feel stuck, scared, discouraged, or frustrated.
On Friday 1st December the children have been busy preparing the class prayer tables for the Season of Advent that starts on Sunday 3rd December.
Advent OneLife Stream
We also joined Dan, Emily and thousands of other children across the country as we celebrated the start of the beautiful Season of Advent, through prayer and song! We sang Awake Awake which we had been learning as a school in preparation for Advent.
Our Prayer Response was: Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Alleluia! Alleluia! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Alleluia! Amen.
We all enjoyed this reflective session and it was a lovely start to the liturgical season of Advent. Please see some quotes from the children.
I really like when Dan and Emily sing the songs because they sing them with meaning. Also they show how much they love God. Y4
I enjoyed the shout outs Dan and Emily do. I feel ready for Advent. Y4
I loved singing Awake Awake-Y1
I really enjoyed that we could enjoy lots of songs and celebrate an important time in Advent. Y5
It was great to hear that St Ambrose had a shout out during the livestream. It made us feel closer to other communities. Y5
The livestream made me think more about what Advent actually is and why it is so important. Y5
Mini-Vinnies - Bingo Calling - Monday 13th November
The Mini-Vinnies supported the parish Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) on Monday afternoon with their chocolate Bingo afternoon. The children were very clear Bingo callers and the ladies thoroughly enjoyed them being there. Well done to those Mini-Vinnies who took part and thank you for your continued work in our parish community.
Remembrance - Friday 10th November
O God of the nations,as we look to that day when you will gather peoplefrom north and south, east and west,into the unity of your peaceable Kingdom,guide with your just and gentle wisdom all who take counselfor the nations of the world,that all your people may spend their days in security, freedom, and peace,through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Year 3 enjoyed learning all about the history of Remembrance Day this morning - they made some beautiful artwork!
"Red poppies symbolise all the soldiers who died in the Great War" (William)
"Purple poppies represent all the animals who died in the Great War" (Nikodem)
"Black poppies symbolise all the black soldiers who died in the Great War" (Cody)
"White poppies are a promise that we will try to live in peace" (Isla)
The Catholic Schools Pupil Profile - Attentive and Discerning - Monday 6th November
On Monday, during Gospel Liturgy the children were introduced to the two new virtues that will be the focus for this half term. These virtues are Attentive and Discerning and are very important virtues for us to explore in our lives and especially during the season of Advent which is fast upon us. During this time we are asked to be attentive and wait for Jesus' second coming.
When the children returned to their classrooms, they explored what the virtues meant to them and throughout school life we encourage the children to be attentive to their experiences and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices. We look forward to seeing these virtues lived out.
The Mouth of October - Dedicated to the Rosary
During the month of October, we say the rosary. Throughout this month all the children and staff have been working together to complete the Mark 10 Mission which challenges us to say every decade of the rosary during the month. On Thursday 19th October members of the Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) came into school and said two decades of the rosary with all the Key Stage One children. They thoroughly enjoyed their visit, and we look forward to welcoming them again. On Tuesday 24th October Father Lamb joined the whole school to say the decades of the Glorious Mysteries.
The children have enjoyed completing the Mark 10 Mission Rosary Challenge.
Year Four Class Mass - Wednesday 18th October
On Wednesday, I attended the parish Mass with Year Four. They showed great reverence throughout and read clearly. It was the feast day of St. Luke, one of the Gospel writers and Father Lamb explained about his role in promoting the early church as a key writer. The children had the opportunity to explore the pulpit where there are some beautiful mosaics of the gospel and letter writers (St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, St. Peter and St. Paul).
Harvest Mass - Friday 13th October
Act by making your voice heard through our campaigns
Pray for our brothers and sisters living in poverty
Thank you to everyone that brought in Harvest contributions. We donated 105kg to the food bank in Kidderminster for local distribution.
This truly displayed our current virtues of being generous and grateful.
Confirmation Meeting - Tuesday 10th October
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Bodlovic and Mrs Laskey joined the Confirmation meeting with Father Lamb and the children who are preparing to receive the sacrament with their parents. They all learnt about the presence of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that we receive through receiving the sacrament. Every child has been given a prayer sponsor from the parish and during the meeting a few children met their sponsor. It was a lovely gathering and we ask you all to keep these children and their families in your prayers during the coming months as they continue their journey of faith.
Blessing of the Animals Service - Wednesday 4th October
Saint Francis of Assisi is a very important saint in the life of the Catholic Church and school. The children all know that Saint Francis loved and cared for the natural world and the animals within it.
On Wednesday afternoon we welcomed of variety of different breeds of dog, a rabbit, a tortoise and an African snail to school for the blessing of the animals service. It was a wonderful service and the children were all very excited to sing and pray for the animals. Thank you to Father Lamb and for all those who were able to attend from the school and parish.
This day also brought Pope Francis' Season of Creation to a close.
We are delighted to announce that we are taking part in the LiveSimply award from CAFOD.
The LiveSimply award is earned by communities and schools who can show how they have been living:
The LiveSimply award is an opportunity for our Catholic community to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si' to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”
The award celebrates what we have already done and inspires us to do more. It helps our community to live, not just more simply, but also more fully.
Miss Crumpler is our LiveSimply Lead.
Mini-Vinnies - Macmillian Coffee Morning - Friday 29th September
Today Year Five Mini-Vinnies demonstrated true discipleship by supporting the parish group the UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers) who held the Macmillan coffee morning. They helped to collect empty cups and plates and then washed and dried them. There manners were impeccable and we are very proud of all of the pupils who participated. Thank you Mini-Vinnies.
Year Five Class Mass - Wednesday 27th September
Today Year Five attended the Parish Mass together and it was particularly special as it was the feast day of their Class Saint, Saint Vincent de Paul. Saint Vincent de Paul was a man who dedicated himself to the evangelisation of the poor, the unfortunate and the suffering. Father Lamb shared how impressed he was with the children’s reverence and how beautifully the children read. Well done Year Five. They ended this special day with a piece of cake and a mini party.
House Captain and Vice Captain Elections
Today we started the school day with a lovely excited atmosphere as the children from Year One to Year Six attended their House Meeting to vote for their House Captain and Vice Captain (Reception Class will join next half-term).
St. Ambrose has four house teams that are named after local saints.
All children and staff are allocated a house team and over the course of the year there will be half-term meetings, interhouse competitions held and other events that will focus on being part of a team.
Congratulations to all of the children who were elected as House Captain and Vice Captain. We hope you are looking forward to this important role within our school.
House | House Captain | House Vice-Captain |
St Nicholas Owen (Blue) | Niamh | Frankie W |
St Wulstan (Red) | Isla | Fia-Bella |
St Chad (Yellow) | James | Mihaela |
St Richard (Green) | Charlie | Katie |
Confirmation Enrolment Mass - Sunday 17th September
It was lovely to celebrate Mass, on Sunday evening with the children and their families for those who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in December.
The Catholic Schools Pupil Profile - Generous and Grateful - Monday 11th September
On Monday morning during whole school prayer and liturgy the two virtues of Generous and Grateful were introduced to the children. The virtues of Generous and Grateful are the focus for this half term and the children then spent time in class exploring how they could demonstrate these virtues in their own lives. These virtues are particularly important as we are currently in the Season of Creation. This season was created by Pope Francis and he asks us to remember and pray for the care of our common home.