It is our primary aim that everyone feels valued and respected in a pastorally rich learning environment to ensure:
The school will:
The pupils will become:
Successful Learners who:
Confident Individuals who:
Global Citizens who:
Emmaus Catholic Multi-Academy Company: Motto, Mission, Vision and Values
A family of schools, united in Christ and working as one, to provide the very best Catholic education, faith formation and personal growth, rooted in Gospel values
Excellent Catholic education for all in the heart of our communities: nourishing faith, nurturing talent, fostering aspiration
Believe Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church are at the centre of all we do. We believe there is no limit to what, with Christ, we can attain.
We encourage our staff and young people to: be curious about the world, embrace new ideas, meet challenges and aspire to reach the highest standards.
As responsible stewards of our people, resources and environment, we promote sustainability to preserve Catholic education and protect our communities.
We work collaboratively, with integrity and respect, to share expertise, training opportunities and best practice for the benefit of all.
We recognise the Christian call to serve within our schools and wider communities. By caring for others and putting their needs first, we acknowledge the gifts God has given us and recognise Christ in those we meet.