End of Early Years Foundation Stage
Percentage of Pupils who achieved a good level of development-GLD | 71% |
Year One Phonics Check
Percentage of Pupils who achieved the Year One Phonics Check pass mark | 83% |
End of Key Stage One Assessment Data
Results by subject | Achieving the Expected Standard | Achieving the Greater Depth Standard |
Reading | 69% (National 68%) | 34% (National 19%) |
Writing | 62% (National 60%) | 10% (National 8%) |
Mathematics | 72% (National 70%) | 24% (National 16%) |
Combined | 59% (National 56%) | 7% (National 6%) |
The data demonstrates the percentage of pupils who achieved the new ‘expected standard’ or ‘Greater Depth Standard’ at the end of Key Stage One. These were teacher assessment judgements based on a combination of statutory testing and an analysis of each child’s work measured against the Standards and Testing Agency Interim Teacher Assessment Framework Statements (ITAFs).
End of Key Stage Two Assessment Data
Results by subject | Achieving the Expected Standard | Achieving the Greater Depth Standard |
Reading | 69% (National 73%) | 41% (National 29%) |
Writing | 72% (National 72%) | 14% (National 13%) |
SPAG | 69% (National 72%) | 14% (National 30%) |
Mathematics | 79% (National 73%) | 10% (National 24%) |
Combined | 59% (National 60%) | 0% (National 8%) |
*SPAG Spelling Punctuation and Grammar *Combined R,W,M Reading, Writing and Maths
The data demonstrates the percentage of pupils who achieved the new ‘expected standard’ at the end of Key Stage Two in the end of year SATs. Assessments were externally marked test papers apart from Writing which was a teacher assessment judgement following analysis of each child’s work measured against the Standards and Testing Agency Interim Teacher Assessment Framework Statements (ITAFs), assessed by the class teacher & moderated by other key members of staff within the Multi-Academy Company.
St Ambrose's Catholic Primary School performance table can be viewed by following this link: