The Catholic School Inspection took place at St Ambrose Catholic Primary School on 3rd and 4th July 2024.

We are delighted that St Ambrose secured a ‘Good’ judgement for overall effectiveness and in all three categories of Catholic Life, Collective Worship and RE.

‘There is a clear sense of community at St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, where everyone is welcomed, cared for, and valued, ensuring that everyone feels part of the St Ambrose family.’

‘Pupils’ positive attitudes demonstrate a secure understanding of the mission and its meaning.’

‘Commitment to staff training and induction, including those new to the school results in a strong sense of belonging, confidence, and well-being; staff feel supported.’

‘The pastoral care of staff, pupils and families is prioritised. Staff are particularly committed to supporting pupils and their families in times of need; everyone is valued and made to feel special.’

Many thanks to leaders, staff, local governing body members, pupils and parents for the part that you have played in this achievement and for your continued commitment to St Ambrose.

Below you will see some key points from the inspection, and the full document and accompanying parent letter are both available to view and download at the bottom of this page.

What the school does well:

There is a clear sense of community at St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, where everyone is welcomed, cared for, and valued, ensuring that everyone feels part of the St Ambrose family.

  • The pastoral care of staff, pupils, and families is prioritised. Staff are particularly committed to supporting pupils and their families in times of need; everyone is valued and made to feel special.
  • Pupils’ positive attitudes demonstrate a secure understanding of the mission and its meaning.
  • Commitment to staff training and induction, including those new to the school, results in a strong sense of belonging, confidence, and well-being; staff feel supported.
  • Leaders have a robust knowledge of the school because of their accurate monitoring, which positively impacts school improvement.

Some key points:

  • An inclusive community where everyone is equally valued.
  • Rooted in and driven by the mission statement, ‘We do our best by following Jesus’: it is known and celebrated by all pupils and staff and lived out by the whole community. Staff are strong role models for pupils.
  • Pupils are proud to be part of their school family, and they participate fully in the opportunities given to them to celebrate their faith: they are happy and know that they are deeply valued, cared for, and loved by God.
  • Sense of community where everyone cares for each other: a joyful and supportive place to work and learn. School knows its families well and seeks to provide for their needs in various ways.
  • Parents value the support given by the school: ’St Ambrose is a shining example of a loving, warm, and spiritually driven environment.’
  • Strong links with the local parish: the parish priest is an integral part of the school community and is highly valued by everyone.

Some key points:

  • Pupils enjoy RE lessons and are engaged and enthusiastic learners: they can explain how they follow the example of Jesus and take pride in their work.
  • The children get off to a strong start due to Early Years' high-quality provision.
  • Teachers are enthusiastic and committed to religious education’s value, which is evident in lessons and the respect pupils show towards the subject.
  • The parish priest is a frequent visitor to the school and is very supportive of leaders and staff: his contribution to lessons and training further supports all becoming the people God calls them to be.
  • Pupils are well supported by adults in lessons, and adaptations to activities ensure pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) achieve well in lessons.
  • ’The school involves families. I find this incredibly special, and it has helped to educate us [parents] too.’

Some key points:

  • Prayer is at the heart of St Ambrose: including singing, music, reflecting, and silent meditation. Several attractive spaces to pray and reflect.
  • The celebration of mass is central to school life and allows pupils the opportunity to reflect and develop their faith: pupils are actively engaged through ministries such as reading.
  • Reverence and respect towards scripture are evident in all prayer and liturgy across the school, from the youngest age.
  • Adults in school are good models for faith and practice at all levels: pupils follow the example set by these leaders in school, responding reverently and thoughtfully.
  • Parents attend school Masses and school events: sacramental preparation sessions, stay-and-pray sessions.
  • Key times of the Church’s year are celebrated appropriately: holy days of obligation, feast days, May Procession, Blessing of the Animals Service (feast day of St Francis of Assisi).

Available to view and download:

Emmaus CMAC
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School Ofsted
A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application