"The Equality Act (2010) was introduced to combine the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Previously public bodies were bound by these three sets of duties to promote disability, race and gender equality. In April 2011 these were replaced by a single public sector equality duty (known as the PSED or the equality duty). This new duty extends to all the aspects of a person's identity that are protected under the Equality Act 2010. These are known as protected characteristics and are:
General duty
Public bodies including schools and settings have a general duty to have due regard when making decisions and developing policies, to:
- Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
- Foster good relations across all protected characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Specific duty
To help schools and maintained EYFS settings in England meet the general equality duty, there are two specific duties that they are required to carry out. These are:
- To publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the equality duty.
- To prepare and publish one or more specific and measurable equality objectives.
As a Catholic School, we place a strong emphasis on creating and sustaining an ethos based on Christian principles. Care, understanding and respect for each other are paramount, and we aim to nurture and develop positive spiritual, moral, social and cultural attitudes within our school community. Religious education and collective worship are central to the life of our school, whilst reflecting the rich variety of religious traditions
At St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, our ethos vision and values ensure that every pupil and teacher is given an equal opportunity to achieve their potential. In addition, each individual is entitled to learn, teach or work in a supportive environment and to benefit from the diversity of our school community.
To meet these aims, we are committed to:
Direct & Indirect Discrimination
In most cases, the nature of less favourable treatment will be clear and common sense will dictate the necessary action to take, usually after reference to the Principal. However, indirect discrimination can be more difficult to detect. Examples include:
This is unlawful sex discrimination as the majority of women are under 5'10" in height and would be denied the same opportunity as men.
This is unlawful racial discrimination as it is likely to preclude candidates from other countries/races.
Where doubt exists, ask a member of SLT.
The schools value diversity amongst the staff. In all staff appointments, the most suitable candidate will be appointed on professional criteria and recruitment carried out in a manner consistent with equal opportunity practice.
Inclusion at St Ambrose Catholic Primary School
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School maintains an inclusive approach to education and we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children. All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. (This may mean a specific learning, physical, behavioural and emotional, communication and language or health need.) More Able children, children who have English as an additional language and those on our pupil premium register are also recognised as having additional needs. There may also be stressful times such as illness, bereavement and family breakdowns when families and children require support. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities.
We recognise that there are some pupils who may require additional resources or extra support at some time in their primary school life and we aim to cater for the needs of all pupils. Early identification of a child's needs is made by close consultation with parents and pre-school settings from school entry. Individual pupils are monitored through teacher assessment and pupil progress meetings.
The school has a SENCO to offer support to parents/carers who may have concerns about their child's progress. When appropriate, referrals are made to specialist learning services, Early Help and medical services.
Any referral to an outside agency is undertaken with parental consent.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The school has a policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) and follows the Code of Practice. When appropriate, referrals are made to specialist learning services and medical services. Any referral to an outside agency is undertaken with parental consent. Further details can be found in our SEND Local Offer and SEND policy.
The staff work in partnership with parents/carers and pupils and liaise with external agencies to build upon pupil's strengths and develop the individual.
We promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school.
We are committed to ensuring that disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum, school trips and take an active role in all extra-curricular activities. There is a designated disabled toilet.
Equalities and Diversity
At St Ambrose Catholic Primary School we aim to create an inclusive culture for all staff, pupils, families and visitors to the school. We recognise respect and value people's differences and ensure that individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. We promote equality and diversity treating all staff and students fairly ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable children and staff to fully participate in the learning process and achieve and equip children and staff with the skills to challenge inequality and discrimination.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
We celebrate the fact that some of our children speak more than one language. We carefully monitor and track the progress of pupils with EAL to ensure they are not disadvantaged and recognise that they may require additional support to acquire the same competence in English as in their home language(s). This support is provided in class through carefully differentiated work and, where appropriate, through the additional support and specific teaching with a teaching assistant.
Children who are learning English as an additional language have skills and knowledge about language similar to monolingual English-speaking children. Their ability to participate in the full curriculum may be in advance of their communicative skills in English. We fully appreciate the necessity of a child retaining their first language and bonuses it brings.
At St Ambrose Catholic Primary School teachers take action to help children who are learning English as an additional language by various means such as:
Children in Need / Looked After Children
We will provide a safe learning environment for Looked after Pupils ensuring that their individual needs are met by maintaining good communication with those caring for the child, social services and support services.
We commit to attending review meetings and ensuring the targets set on Personal Education Plans are integrated into school life.
More Able Pupils
We are committed to providing an environment which encourages all pupils, including more able pupils to pursue a high level of performance in academic and non-academic areas.
We aim to encourage pupils to be independent learners, provide challenging work at an appropriate level and provide opportunities for pupils to work with like-minded peers both within school and the wider community.
Provision for pupils is through quality first teaching, adaptation and high challenge in the classroom, teacher expectation of pupil performance and additional learning in interventions.
Audit of existing achievement / provision
Physical Environment
Written Information