Year 4

Welcome to Year 4's class page. Miss Noble is the Class Teacher and Mrs Joyner is the Teaching Assistant.



Saint Theresa of Calcutta is our class saint - she dedicated her life to serving the sick and poorest of the poor. Saint Theresa helps us understand the importance of helping the poor and vulnerable which is an important part of our Catholic Social Teaching.

'Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not come yet, we have only today, LET US BEGIN.'


Reading is so important for the mind and brain.  In Year 4 we spend time reading individually, in lessons, and for enjoyment.  Children are encouraged to read daily with their parents, and what they read is to be logged on the Go Read app.

When children and parents log their reading on Go Read, they can earn gems and exchange these for small rewards!

Please challenge you children with V.I.P.E.R.S questions, testing them on their vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary skills. 

Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.

Username: ambrose4

Password: ambrose4


Children will receive their homework on a Thursday and they will be handed in by the following Wednesday. At the moment, the children will be writing sentences including the words from their spellings as well as making sure they understand the meanings of them. 


Children will be tested on their timetables weekly using Maths Frame and Times table Rockstars.  


Every Wednesday, children will be tested on their weekly spellings.

They are to learn these spellings and their meanings and choose five to put into interesting spellings in their homework books.


Year 4 will have their P.E. lessons on Tuesday mornings (swimming) and Friday afternoons this term. 

Children are to come to school wearing their correct P.E. kit on these days.

Please see the uniform letter on the News section of the website if you need a reminder of uniform expectations.


In the Autumn Term, our topic is 'Rotten Romans' where we will find out all about the Roman Empire and how it affected different people and how they felt and reacted to the changes that were being made - Boudicca's Rebellion! We will find why the Romans built roads in Britain and where they ran from and to. God's and Goddesses - we will find out the religious beliefs of Romans and who they worshipped. Our other topic is 'Drip, Drip, Drop' where we will find out all key aspects of the water cycle, how and why drinking water is cleaned, the causes and effects of flooding and the causes and effects of water pollution.

'Here, There and Everywhere' and 'Saxon Settlers' are our topics in the Spring Term. We will use maps, atlases and globes to locate countries and use co-ordinates to find locations. We will learn to describe the key features of the polar regions and compare them with the UK; compare the climate of the tropics with the UK and explain the position and significance of time zones. We will learn about when and where the Saxons came from and discover how the legal system worked in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain and how the last Anglo-Saxon kings shaped Britain.

In the Summer term, our first topic is Sand V Land where we will learn all about Whitby and its major features and compare the physical geography of it with Kidderminster. Our final topic is 'Traders and Raiders' which is all about the Vicious Vikings and who they traded and raided with. We will also find out where Vikings came from and why they raided Britain and be able to explain the key aspects of Viking life. 


Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends daily unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568.


If parents need to get in touch with Miss Noble, please email using the email address 

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