Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's class page. Miss Crumpler is the Class Teacher.

Mrs Davies and Mrs Staite are the Teaching Assistants across KS1.


In Year 2, our class Saint is Saint Therese of Lisieux who taught that through small, loving actions, we can deliver God's love to the world. This teaching is called the 'Little Way'. Each year, we are invited to participate in 'Little Way' week which is an initiative that encourages people to do seven small actions - one for each day of the week - to witness their faith through service. Saint Therese helps us with our Catholic Social Teaching: solidarity and the common good.

'Love can supply for length of years. Jesus, because He is Eternal, regards not the time but only the love.'

What will my child be learning about this term?


Please click on the link below for free ebooks for your child. Login as a student.

Username: ambrose2

Password: ambrose2

Reading is really important in Year 2. Reading helps children with all areas of the curriculum and it is a key skill needed for life. Pupils need to read daily and what they have read needs to be logged on the Go Read app.

Your child will have two reading books:

1) A reading book matched to their reading level.

2) A phonics book matched to their phonics level - this will be changed every Friday.

Here is a list of recommended books for Year 2 pupils to read.

Mastering Number

Year 2 will be taking part in Mastering Number this year. It aims to develop solid number sense, including fluency and flexibility with number facts, which will have a lasting impact on future learning for all children.


Children will receive their homework on Wednesday and is due in on the following Tuesday.


Every Tuesday, children will be tested on their weekly spellings. 
The new spellings will be given in their homework books and they will receive a Spelling Shed worksheet in their homework books.

There is also spellings games to play on Spelling Shed online. The login is in the front of your child's homework book.

Here is a list of the Year 2 common exception words that your child needs to learn how to spell.


Year 2 will have P.E. on Wednesday and Friday each week. They are required to come to school wearing their correct P.E. kit on these days.


In Year 2, our topic first in the Autumn Term is 'Historical Heroes'. We will learn about significant people who helped improve nursing, such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. Then we will find out about how the Great Fire started, how the fire spread across London and how it was rebuilt after.


In Spring, we will be learning all about Kenya in our, 'We are going on a Safari' topic. We will learn about what life is like for people in Kenya; discover some of the main animals which live in Kenya and find out about the Maasai culture. 


In the Summer Term, our topic is 'Kidderminster Carpets'. We will find out about the local history of Kidderminster Carpets. Our final topic is, 'Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside' . We will learn to locate seaside resorts in the UK and develop an understanding of what seaside holidays and resorts were like in the past and present. We will describe a seaside town in the UK and use aerial photographs of seaside locations.


Every day in school counts, please ensure your child attends school every day unless they are poorly. Where possible, please try to make appointments outside of school time so their learning is maximised in school. If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please phone the school office on 01562 823568.


Should you need to get in contact with Miss Crumpler, please email:

Emmaus CMAC
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