At St Ambrose we are living out our school mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus' by taking part in the Live Simply Award.
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School has committed to nine faith-inspired actions demonstrating we are living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world's poorest communities.
Our school will impact our global family, our local community and our school community as we reflect the teachings of Jesus, Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si' along your journey.
'...those who promote peace have joy.' Proverbs 12:20.
1) International Day of Peace (Global)
As a school: we took part in CAFOD's peace assembly, said prayers and learned about different ways of developing peace.
2) Spreading Christmas Joy to others (Local)
We spread Christmas joy and the love of God to the residents of a local care home by the choir singing carols to them in December 2022 and in December 2023 we made Christmas cards and gave mince pies to the residents of the local care home. In 2024, the pupils made Christmas cards to spread Christmas joy to the residents of a local care home.
3) St. Francis' Feast Day Pet Blessing (School)
We held a pets blessing on St. Francis' Feast Day, to which the whole school community was invited.
The priest prayed and blessed the pets with holy water, pupils read prayers based on theme of creation and we all sang "All things bright and beautiful".
Pupil Voice:
Year 4 pupil, "St Francis of Assisi really loved animals and he inspires me to love animals too. Not just animals but people as well."
Year 4 pupil, "St Francis of Assisi saved a village from a wolf."
Year 4 pupil, "Father Lamb blessed my pet snail. He blessed lots of people’s pets."
4) Gardening Club
In 2022-23 the children took part in garden club during lunchtimes. They learnt gardening skill by growing flowers and vegetables.
'buy less, share more'
5) Book Swap (School)
'The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.' Genesis 2:15
6) Reducing single use plastics
In 2022-23 as a whole school we had a whole school drive to reduce single use plastics by learning about the problems with single use plastics and the importance of recycling and using other sustainable materials.
We brought reusable glue sticks. In Science lessons, Year 4 learnt about human's effect on the environment.
7) CAFOD's Big Lent Walk (Global)
In 2023 we took part in CAFOD's Big Lent Walk to raise funds and awareness of the work CAFOD do and to support our global family.
This year, in 2024 we took part in the Big Lent Walk again. The children stood on the school gate and collected donations for CAFOD and Father Hudson's Charity.
Pupil Voice:
Year 2 pupil, "The Big Lent Walk was good because we raised money to help people who didn't have food or anything."
"All who believed were together and had all things in common." Acts 2:44-45
8) Year 5/6 taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight 23 Feb - 5th March 2023 (Global)
Year 5 and 6 learnt about Fairtrade by playing the Fairtrade banana game.
Pupil Voice:
Year 5 pupil, "It is nice to do fair trade because everyone gets the money they deserve for the produce they have made."
Year 5 pupil, "Fairtrade is good because then it means when the farmers do something they don't just get a little amount they get a good amount which is fair because they have to grow the crops all year."
'... all of you are one in Christ Jesus.' Galatians 3:28.
9) Year 5 Mini-Vinnies (Local)
Year 5 are the Mini-Vinnies.
The Mini Vinnies truly turn concern into action as they use the simple formula of 'see, think, do' to find people in need and help them.
In the school year 2022-23
They organised and ran a coffee morning for members of the Parish. They organised a collection for the foodbank and the reverse advent calander. They sold donated chocolates and cakes to raise money for the local foodbank.
In the school year 2023-24
They organised and ran Bingo for members of our local community. They organised and ran a Christmas Parish quiz.
Pupil Voice:
Year 5 pupil, "I enjoyed helping at the Bingo because some of us were shy, but we had a try and we spoke up. It also taught us how to help other people that we don't know."
Year 5 pupil, "It fun to do the quiz we got to speak out. It was nice to read out all the questions to people."
Year 5 pupil, "Some of the quiz questions we wrote were about the birth of Jesus and it was nice to tell other people about Advent."