Date: 7th September 2018
Good afternoon everyone,
Welcome Back! I hope you have had an enjoyable summer. The children have certainly had lots of exciting stories to share.
Welcome to our new Reception children and their families who are settling in really well. We wish all our new families a special St Ambrose welcome, and we hope they will continue to enjoy their time at St Ambrose School. We look forward to working with you.
I know you will continue to work with us, so your child can grow in confidence, with a love of learning, and a determination to be the best person they can be.
Please can you all support us by explaining to your child that treating everyone with respect, being on time and in school everyday, wearing the correct uniform and working hard in school is important to you. These are also important life skills. The value you place on these will be the value your child holds.
It is lovely to see so many children returning to school, looking so smart in their school uniform. However, to complement this smart appearance, we also expect that children will attend school with suitable haircuts.
We are all busy people, but please put a routine in place whereby children know they must do their home learning - homework, reading etc... Reading from real books (not electronic) is important for children to develop a love of books. Having a range of books at home and regular visits to the library also encourages this. At this time, turn the television/computer off. Use the television/computer as incentives for work done - they will value it more.
Your children are your most important gift from God. Treasure them, help them, guide them and support them - Thank you.
We, in school, will do everything we can to help your child to do their best. Let us know if we can support you in any way. Remember we operate an open door policy - feel free to book an appointment with your child's class teacher/teaching assistant if you have concerns or need support, help or advice.
On Tuesday at 2pm we will be coming together as a school in the hall to take part in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Archbishop Bernard from his Chapel via a live stream. If you are free we would welcome any parents or family members to join us.
My name is Steve Brennan and I am the PTA chairman here at St Ambrose.
Let me introduce you to your committee:
Steve Brennan - Chair
Catherine Morris - Vice Chair
Claire Gibson - Treasurer
Claire Jenkins - Secretary
We started the new PTA back in May with as little as 7 weeks to the summer fete. Our main aim is to raise funds for a school library. In total we need to raise £6000 for new books and we will meet this challenge as soon as we can.
We started this venture with not a penny in the bank, so firstly I would like to say a huge thank you, to you, the parents of the school, for the donations and help you have given to us so far.
We have asked for so much in a small amount of time and we managed to deliver an amazing summer fete with a great result. We have given the school £1750 so far and a local councillor Fran has given us £500 which will be given to the school.
What's next?
The Friday Tuc shop will continue, weather permitting.
In October we will be holding a fancy dress disco...details to follow.
In December we be holding a Christmas event...details to follow.
There are plenty of events planned throughout the school year, which will be discussed at future PTA meetings and we would love to see you there! (Dates to be confirmed)
We would welcome your ideas/suggestions & we are always happy to speak with anyone via our Facebook page or in the school playground.
Please like the Facebook page you can follow the link below.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StAmbrosePTA
Many thanks once again for your continued support!
Steve Brennan
Children can wear their school uniforms to celebrate Education Sunday to Mass on Sunday.
NEW CLASSES 2018-19:
We hope the children have enjoyed the first week in their new classes. We have lots of exciting things coming up throughout the year. Staff will be sending out a curriculum plan next Friday to enable you to support your son or daughter with their education this year.
Whole School Masses - Wednesday 9:30am
3rd October | Harvest |
(School Hall) 7th December | St Ambrose Feast Day |
21th December - 10:30am | End of Term |
9th January 2019 | Start of new term |
6th March 2019 | Ash Wednesday |
12th April 2019 - 10:30am | End of Term (Easter) |
1st May 2019 | Start of Term |
19th July 2019 - 10:30am | End of Term (Summer) |
Parish/School Family Masses - Sunday 11:00am
14th October | Y6 Confirmation Commitment Mass |
10th February | Family Mass: KS2 |
4th December | Y6 Confirmation 7pm |
22nd June 2019 | Y3 Holy Communion 12pm |
28th June 2019 | Y3 Benediction 2:30pm |
Parish/School Masses - Wednesday 9:15am
19th September | Y6 |
26th September | Y5 |
3rd October - 9:30am | Whole School: Harvest |
10th October | Y4 |
17th October | Y3 |
24th October | Reception, Y1 and Y2 |
7th November | Y6 |
14th November | Y5 |
21st November | Y4 |
28th November | Y3 |
7th December - 9:30am | Whole School Mass |
12th December | Reception, Y1 and Y2 |
21st December - 10:30am | Whole School Mass |
9th January 2019 | Whole School Mass |
16th January 2019 | Y6 |
23rd January 2019 | Y5 |
30th January 2019 | Y4 |
13th February 2019 | Y3 |
27th February 2019 | Reception, Y1 and Y2 |
6th March 2019 | Whole School Mass |
13th March 2019 | Y6 |
20th March 2019 | Y5 |
27th March 2019 | Y4 |
3rd April 2019 | Reception, Y1, Y2 and Y3 |
12th April 2019 - 10:30am | Whole School Mass |
1st May 2019 | Whole School Mass |
8th May 2019 | Y6 |
15th May 2019 | Y5 |
22nd May 2019 | Y4 |
5th June 2019 | Y3 |
12th June 2019 | Reception, Y1 and Y2 |
19th June 2019 | Y6 |
26th June 2019 | Y5 |
3rd July 2019 | Y4 |
10th July 2019 | Reception, Y1, Y2 and Y3 |
19th July 2019 - 10:30am | Whole School Mass |
18th July 2019 - 6pm | Y6 Leavers Mass |
Class Assemblies:
5th October | Y1 Harvest |
30th November | Y5 |
Confirmation Meetings:
10th October | First Meeting (Parents Only) |
14th October | Commitment Mass |
17th October | 2nd Meeting |
7th November | 3rd Meeting |
13th November | 4th Meeting |
28th November | 5th Meeting |
Other Events:
10th October-12th October | Y6 at Pioneer Centre |
12th October | TED day |
17th December | KS1 Nativity Dress rehearsal pm |
18th December | KS1 Nativity pm |
19th December | KS1 Nativity am |
20th December | Parish and KS2 Carol Concert 7pm |
14th February 2019 | Y5 Hagley Pyramid Concert |
15th July 2019 | Sports Day |
16th July 2019 | Reserve Sports Day |
Autumn Term Parents Evening:
24th October | 5pm-7:30pm |
25th October | 3:30pm-6pm |
Spring Term Parents Evening:
27th March 2019 | 5pm-7:30pm |
28th March 2019 | 3:30pm-6pm |
Summer Term Parents Evening:
17th July 2019 | 3:30pm-6pm |
Thank you to everyone who has shared my excitement as I am expecting a baby at the beginning of October. I will be going on maternity leave towards the end of September. Mrs Stewart will be the Acting Principal, Miss Holtom will be Acting Assistant Principal leading Key Stage 2 and Miss Brewer will be Acting Assistant Principal leading Early Years and Key Stage 1.
Miss Brewer, Miss Holtom, Mrs Leak, Miss Crumpler, Mrs Baylie, Mrs Fish, Miss Wright, Mrs Price, Mr Garvey and Mr Turner will be taking part in the Wild Warrior Challenge.
Click the link below to find out what they have let themselves in for.
Please help us by sponsoring them. All money raised will go towards new reading books for all the children at St Ambrose.
Year Group | This Week |
Whole School | 96.4% |
Reception | 94.5% |
Year 1 | 94.6% |
Year 2 | 99.2% |
Year 3 | 98.6% |
Year 4 | 95.7% |
Year 5 | 96.0% |
Year 6 | 95.8% |
Well Done Year 2!!!
Best wishes,
Mrs Brocklesby.
We have places available in Reception, Year 3 & Year 5. If you know of anyone who would be interested please refer them to the school office in the first instance. Many thanks.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in going along to the Parish Baby and Toddler group, the sessions are held on a Wednesday from 9-11am. We welcome newborn up to pre-school children and their parents. Your first session will be free of charge and thereafter will be 80p. This cost includes refreshments for you and your child. They have an array of toys and activities for you and your child to enjoy and this is also a great opportunity to meet and socilaise with other families. If you have any enquiries please see the Facebook page 'St Ambrose Toddlers Kidderminster'.
Sunday 11am & 6pm
St Ambrose
Saturday 11:45am - 12:45pm, and by request.