Date: Friday 26th October
Today we marked the end of our October celebrations in honour of Our Lady, by coming together as a school community to say the Rosary. Thank you to the Y6 Liturgy Leaders for planning and leading our service so reverently. A big thank you also to all the parents/carers who supported the children in their faith journey by joining us this afternoon. Look out on the newsletter for further opportunities to attend Liturgies in the near future.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful and safe half term break and look forward to seeing you when we return on Monday 5th November.
Best wishes, Mrs Stewart.
On behalf of the PTA we hope you enjoyed the fancy dress disco that we held last week - it was a huge success! So far the school discos are a real hit and we will continue to host them throughout the year. It was really nice to see lots of our children dressed up and showing their support for the school event. We introduced lots of new items to refresh the tuck shop; We will run treat Fridays when ever we can with the weather permitting. As always, volunteers are a must so we welcome new people with open arms.
We introduced a new line of flashing light up items at our recent disco; we hope you find these useful when attending other events on the run up to bonfire night. Should you wish to purchase any, please don't hesitate to get in touch. These will also be available to buy at all of our future events.
We started to plan Christmas back in September and 'Operation Christmas' will be put in place from today! Just to give you an idea.....we have decided on a 'Polar Express' event. I'm sure you agree this is one of the most magical Christmas movies and if you haven't seen it up to now, well .... you are in for a real treat!
On Saturday the 1st of December, we will be holding two sessions with details to follow. Tickets will be avaliable to buy soon. We will show the magical movie, The Polar Express, in our main school hall on the big screen. Hot chocolate, cookies and candy canes will be served with all the added extras. The school will have a Christmas transformation including a snow machine, art work along with Christmas trees, decorations & trains to give it that magical feeling we all love and hold. Santa will be there and will be available for a visit and photos with the children! We are working hard behind the scenes as usual to bring you an unforgettable event.
For parents who want to leave their children to watch the movie but would like to stay at the school, we will be offering a lounge area to relax where mulled wine, Baileys, hot drinks and a tuck shop will be available to purchase as you enjoy the full Christmas atmosphere St Ambrose has to offer. But as always we need some volunteers to assist us in bringing you an event to remember, so if you can help us in any way please get in touch with us at the PTA or the school office. All the money raised will go forward to the children's library book fund. On behalf of your PTA, thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, the parish are going to create a cascade of poppies in church. Some of the children are going to attempt to knit poppies to contribute to the display but they need as many poppies as possible. If you would like to take part, the school office can supply you with the knitting pattern. All finished poppies need to be returned to the office by Monday 5th November.
On Monday 12th November we will be holding our Open Day from 9 - 11am and 5.30 - 7pm. Come along and discover what your child gets up to all day! Tell your friends too as we have avaliable places in some classes. Everyone Welcome.
To commemorate Remembrance Sunday we will be holding our own Remembrance Service on Monday 12th November at 11am in the Parent Shelter, which will be decorated with a cascade of poppies made from plastic bottles. We would like each child to make their own poppy so we need donations of empty plastic bottles. Please give any donations of bottles to your class teacher by Tuesday 6th November.
Thank you to those parents who expressed an interest in attending the children's liturgy during Sunday morning mass. It will resume on Sunday 25th November, on a trial basis, to see if the numbers attending improves. Thank you for your continued support.
Whole School Masses - Wednesday 9:30am
(School Hall) 7th December | St Ambrose Feast Day |
21th December - 10:30am | End of Term |
4th December | Y6 Confirmation 7pm |
Parish/School Masses - Wednesday 9:15am
7th November | Y6 |
14th November | Y5 |
21st November | Y4 |
28th November | Y3 |
7th December - 9:30am | Whole School Mass |
12th December | Reception, Y1 and Y2 |
21st December - 10:30am | Whole School Mass |
Class Assemblies:
30th November | Y5 |
Confirmation Meetings:
7th November | 3rd Meeting |
13th November | 4th Meeting |
28th November | 5th Meeting |
Other Events:
17th December | KS1 Nativity Dress rehearsal pm |
18th December | KS1 Nativity pm |
19th December | KS1 Nativity am |
20th December | Parish and KS2 Carol Concert 7pm |
Year Group | This Week | This Term |
Whole School | 94.9% | 96.0% |
Reception | 97.4% | 95.5% |
Year 1 | 97.7% | 95.7% |
Year 2 | 88.3% | 96.4% |
Year 3 | 97.1% | 96.1% |
Year 4 | 94.5% | 95.8% |
Year 5 | 94.4% | 97.0% |
Year 6 | 95.0% | 95.4% |
Well Done Year 1!!
Well Done to everyone who received a certificate this week.
Best wishes,
Mrs Stewart.
We have places available in Reception, Year 3 & Year 5. If you know of anyone who would be interested please refer them to the school office in the first instance. Many thanks.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in going along to the Parish Baby and Toddler group, the sessions are held on a Wednesday from 9-11am. We welcome newborn up to pre-school children and their parents. Your first session will be free of charge and thereafter will be 80p. This cost includes refreshments for you and your child. They have an array of toys and activities for you and your child to enjoy and this is also a great opportunity to meet and socilaise with other families. If you have any enquiries please see the Facebook page 'St Ambrose Toddlers Kidderminster'.
Sunday 11am & 6pm
St Ambrose
Saturday 11:45am - 12:45pm, and by request.