Date: Friday 13th October 2017
Dear Parents,
Confirmation Mass
On Sunday our Year 6 Confirmandi group and their parents made their commitment to making the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was wonderful to see and hear our pupils speak publicly so clearly about why they have chosen a particular Saint. I was very proud of all the children and look forward to working with staff to enable all pupils to embrace the catholic faith and deepen their relationship with the Church. Thank you to all staff, parents, Father Lamb and members of the parish who are supporting the children.
CAFOD Fundraising
This week in Assembly, I inspired the children to organise a fundraising event for CAFOD. Well the children have certainly enjoyed the challenge and I think we have future winners of,' The Apprentice,' at Saint Ambrose's. I was so impressed today with the range of events organised by every year group. Reception, Year two and Year 4 have organised colouring activities at playtime for a charge, Year 1 children have donated to wear bright shoes or socks, Year 3 have donated to have bright hair (for one day only!) ,Year 5 children are wearing bright coloured tops and taking part in hand painting activities and Year 6 have organised colour exploding science experiments. What a fun day!
School Council
The school council has now been elected to represent the views of all pupils and improve our school. This year the school council is Eve and Maciej Year 6, Thomas W and Theresa Year 5, Grace and Adrian Year 4, Isla P and Thomas R Year 3, Ted and Honey Year 2, Catherine C and Charlie C Year 1 and Kaleb and Isla P Reception.
Last Friday the school councillors met with Mrs McCormack to represent their class and look at ways to improve lunchtimes. The meeting was very productive as next week the school councillors will be organising music in the hall at lunchtime.
Art Competition
Last Friday you received a letter about the Parish Christmas Card Competition so please encourage your child/children to send in their entry with £1 by Wednesday 1st November. Please remind your child/children to design a Christmas card with a religious theme and use the template provided by Miss Crumpler.
Parents Evening
I look forward to seeing Year 1-6 parents next week at parents evening on Wednesday 5-7.30pm or Thursday 3.30-6pm. We will have a member of staff from 'SchoolLife' at the parents evenings to check everyone is receiving the push notification messages and solve any problems. Thank you for informing us about any difficulties you have encountered. Mrs Price the SENCO will also be available to meet parents on Wednesday evening.
Hagley Open Day
Mrs Horan has asked me to pass on an invitation to the Year 5 and 6 pupils to visit the Whole School Open Morning at Hagley Catholic High School which takes place on Saturday 14th October from 9am-12pm. Here you will you be given a well-informed tour of the school by the pupils, who will be able to answer any of the questions you may have.
Awards Assembly
After receiving feedback, after half term we will be moving the awards assembly from Friday morning to Monday morning. The reason for this is to ensure everyone is aware their child/children have an award. We will now inform you in two ways:
1. push notification messages will still be sent to you on a Thursday.
2. children will now bring a note home from their teacher on a Thursday if they are receiving an award on a Monday.
Bikeability Cycle Training Year 6
If your son or daughter is taking part in the bikeability training in school next week, 16th October-20th October, please ensure they bring their bike and helmet to school with them on Monday.
Congratulations to all of our' Stars of the Week'!

Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs Brocklesby
Thought For The Week

Congratulations to Father Lamb
Congratulations to Father Lamb on his dedicated service to the Parish of St. Ambrose's for the last 25 years. Also, the school would like to thank him for all of his help and support during this time..
Mass Times
St Ambrose's
Sunday 11am & 6pm
Confession Times
St Ambrose's
Saturday 11:45am - 12:45pm, and by request.
Altar Servers
W/C 16/10 - Luke C & Edward M.
W/C 23/10 - Finn R & Thomas B.
Mass will be led by Year R, Year1 & Year 2 on Wednesday 11th October at 9.10am. All welcome.
After School Clubs
Monday | Multi-Sports | 3.15 - 4.15pm |
Sports leader | 3.10 - 4.10pm | |
Tuesday | Netball | 3.10 - 4.10pm |
Thursday | Choir | 3.10 - 4pm |
We would like to invite all parents along to the Rosary Procession on Friday 20th October. This will take place at 2pm in the school hall.
The application for high school places needs to be completed online by 31st October 2017.
For anyone whose children are due to start school in September 2018 you must make your application online by 15th January 2018.
After listening to feedback from parents, after half term we will be moving the awards assembly from Friday morning to Monday morning. Messages will still be sent to you on a Thursday and each child who will be receiving an award will bring a note home from their teacher.
We have places available in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 & Year 6. If you know of anyone who would be interested please refer them to the school office in the first instance. Many thanks.
Mrs Horan has asked me to pass on an invitation to the Year 5 and 6 pupils to visit the Whole School Open Morning at Hagley Catholic High School which takes place on Saturday 14th October from 9am-12pm. Here you will you be given a well-informed tour of the school by the pupils, who will be able to answer any of the questions you may have.
If you are experiencing any issues with SchoolLife please speak to the school office where they will endeavour to resolve any issues.
Please see the flyers that went out with your child for the Harriers half term football club.
If you have not yet signed up for parent's evening please speak to the school office where they can book an appointment for you.
Please can you ensure that your child has their hair tied back and out of their face. This applies to boys also.
Worcester University are working in partnership with Beacons Development Centre to celebrate the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali at The Hive in Worcester. You are invited to go along on Saturday the 14th of October between 11am & 3pm where activities include; mendhi, dancing, games, artefact handling and the telling of the Rama and Sita stories. Please go along for a fun-filled informative day.
You are invited along to a weekly meeting of Faith sharing and discovery with the Montini Group. They will be holding meetings every Tuesday in Church at 7.45pm.
All classes have been given login's for 'Oxford Owl', a website where they can read books online for free.
Please encourage your child to use this resource to read a wide range of books at home.