Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 28th June 2024

Friday 5th July | 1.15pm - 1.45pm | Y4 Clarinet Concert |
Monday 8th July | All Day | Year Four School Trip |
Wednesday 10th July | 9.15a.m. | Year Four Class Mass |
Wednesday 10th July | pm | MAC Sports Day - Year Five |
Wednesday 10th July | 6.30pm | Year Six Leavers' Play |
Friday 12th July | 9.30am | Year Six Leavers' Play |
Friday 12th July | After School | Summer Fayre |
Tuesday 16th July | KS1 am and KS2 pm | Sports Day |
Thursday 18th July | 9.30a.m. | Whole School Mass |
Friday 19th July | Break up for the Summer |

The times for the Sports day will be:

We would like to invite all Year 4 parents to attend their clarinet concert that will take place on Friday 5th July in school from 1.15pm - 1.45pm. This is a wonderful celebration of the progress that your child has made this year.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are very sorry, we have to change the morning Leaver's Play time from:
Thursday 11th July 9.30am
Friday 12th July 9.30am

Taking place annually at all Worcestershire Libraries, The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to keep reading during the summer holidays.
Children’s reading can ‘dip’ during the long summer holidays if they don’t have regular access to books and encouragement to read for pleasure. The Summer Reading Challenge helps by regularly reaching over 700,000 children each year, motivating them to visit their local library and keep reading during the holidays, and in turn helping them to maintain or improve their reading skills and confidence.
The Summer Reading Challenge can:
- help to prevent the summer reading ‘dip’ for pupils
- ensure your pupils are ready for their return to school in the autumn
- support the transition between year groups and key stages
- improve language skills, especially for those for whom English is a second language
Each year the Summer Reading Challenge has a new theme. For 2024, The Reading Agency is teaming up with Create for 'Marvellous Makers' a creative arts themed Challenge that will encourage storytelling and creativity through the power of reading.
Find out more about 'Marvellous Makers' here.
Did you know that Worcestershire Library membership is FREE? You can sign up online or by visiting your local library (Kidderminster). Throughout the year, our libraries organise various events and activities. Discover what’s on by visiting our website and following our social media channels.
Message from Mrs Brocklesby
This week I am delighted to inform you about two projects that will be starting over the next few weeks to improve our school building.
Project 1 is a much needed upgrade of our outside staircase that leads to Years 4, 5 and 6. The decking platform area will be replaced and you will notice fencing
around the bottom of the staircase. I will share any relevant safety information with you before the project begins.
Project 2 is an LED lighting upgrade for the whole school which will enable us to be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The work will be completed
at a time that does not disturb the day to day running of our school.
Car park
Thank you to everyone for remembering the car park is not available for use at the start or the end of the day. If you have a car park pass for health reasons, please drop off at 9.00 am and collect from the car park after 3.25 pm. Miss Downs will contact families who currently have a pass to confirm you have permission. If you would like to apply for a pass please contact the school office.
Message from Mrs Laskey
Dear Parents and Carers
Today Year Three led their Class Assembly all about Queen Victoria and the British Empire. The children shared a variety of different facts about her rein and the importance of the Victorian era. There were a few comedy moments, but it was clear that the children had enjoyed putting the assembly together and they worked beautifully as a team. It was lovely that we all stood up and sang ‘God save the King’. Well done to all of the children and thank you to Mrs. George for supporting them.
Tomorrow is the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul (29th June) and it will be celebrated on Sunday in Church. I’ve challenged the children this morning to find out some facts about these two very important saints and we will share them in Gospel Assembly next week before we reflect on their lives and how we can learn from them.
Thank you to all the parents, carers, young siblings and grandparents that were able to attend the ‘Come and Pray with Us’ sessions during the past half term. On the whole they were very well attended and the children enjoyed sharing that special thoughtful prayer time with you. We look forward to inviting you all again for our class prayer sessions next academic year.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Laskey
Year 3 Trip

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Reception | Friday |
Year 1 | Monday and Tuesday |
Year 2 | Tuesday |
Year 3 | Monday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 5 | Monday and Wednesday |
Year 6 | Tuesday |
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Term Dates

Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8th January - Friday 9th February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19th February - Friday 22nd March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July |
Staff Training Days | Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24. |
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby