Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 22nd September 2023
Message from Mrs Brocklesby
Two full weeks into term and already the school schedule is a busy one, with clubs up and running, Musical Praise, class prayer and liturgies, coffee mornings, curriculum workshops and assemblies in full swing. Added to this the imminence of parent consultation evenings on Tuesday 7th November and Wednesday 8th November and an open day for new parents on Friday 20th October.
Every year we have a School Development Plan which enables us to work on many aspects of school life, as a whole school community. This year we shall be having a great emphasis on our curriculum. Staff have sequenced a curriculum, which is implemented through classroom teaching enabling pupils to know more and do more. At your son or daughter's Curriculum Workshop you will find out how your son or daughter develops the knowledge and skills to succeed in every subject.
I just wanted to thank everyone for your support in my new role and share the best ways to discuss any day to day school matters with staff. Firstly either catch myself or Mrs Laskey on the gate or alternatively email enquiry_amb@emmausmac.com. Your email will be directed to Mrs Laskey who will deal with day to day matters.
Message from Mrs Laskey

Today we started the school day with a lovely excited atmosphere as the children from Year One to Year Six attended their House Meeting to vote for their House Captain and Vice Captain (Reception Class will join next half-term).
St. Ambrose has four house teams that are named after local saints.
All children and staff are allocated a house team and over the course of the year there will be half-term meetings, interhouse competitions held and other events that will focus on being part of a team.
I look forward to informing you next week of who our House Captain and Vice Captains are. Well done to all of Year Six who took the time to write their speech about why they wanted to stand for the house positions.
Have a lovely restful weekend.
Yellow House | Blue House | Green House | Red House |
Saint Chad | Saint Nicolas Owen | Saint Richard | Saint Wulstan |
The Catholic Schools Pupil Profile - Generous and Grateful

During Gospel Prayer and Liturgy this week we shared the importance of looking after our common home. The children thought of some great ideas of litter picking, turning off lights when not in use, growing our own vegetables and praying for those in need.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
It was lovely to celebrate Mass, on Sunday evening with the children and their families for those who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in December.
The next Confirmation Meeting is on Tuesday 26th September at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This is for parents only and the Confirmation book is required.
Also, the Parish Mass times at St. Ambrose Catholic Parish Church are 11a.m. and 6p.m. every Sunday.
Blessing of Animals Service - Wednesday 4th October 2023

Saint Francis of Assisi is a very important saint in the life of the Catholic Church and school. The children all know that Saint Francis loved and cared for the natural world and the animals within it. On Wednesday 4th October we will celebrate his feast day and to mark the occasion we will hold the annual Blessing of the Animal Service on the school playground at 2.45p.m. This day also brings Pope Francis' Season of Creation to a close.
I know only to well from having our Labrador dog, Maggie how special having an animal is and how much love they can bring to a family home. We would like to welcome all animals, large and small to this special service.
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Year Group | This week | This Term |
Whole School | 92.4% | 93.6% |
Reception | 97.1% | 98.5% |
Year 1 | 93.2% | 93.5% |
Year 2 | 91.3% | 93.8% |
Year 3 | 87.0% | 88.5% |
Year 4 | 93.9% | 96.7% |
Year 5 | 92.0% | 93.4% |
Year 6 | 92.3% | 91.9% |

Can we remind you that your child's application for High School needs to be completed by 31st October. If you miss the deadline your application will be classed as late and your child may not get their first choice of High School.
Curriculum Workshops
We would like to invite you into school to find out about the curriculum your child will be taught this year. These sessions will also provide you with information about how you can help your child at home. During the session you will also be given an opportunity to work with your child.
The dates for each year group are below. Please sign in at the school office as the sessions will take place in the school hall. If you are unable to attend the Powerpoint produced will be available on your child’s class website page and any copies of materials will be sent out to you.
If you would like a grandparent to attend in your absence that is fine.
It has been brought to our attention that childcare for younger siblings can sometimes be difficult.
If it is possible to arrange childcare for any younger siblings that would be very much appreciated.
However, if this proves difficult then there will be some toys and books from Reception in the hall for the younger siblings to play with if needed.
Many thanks for your continued support we look forward to seeing you at the sessions.
Year Group |
Time |
Date |
Reception - Phonics |
2.30 p.m. |
Tuesday 26th September |
Year 1 |
9.05 a.m. |
Tuesday 10th October |
Year 3 (2nd date) |
9.05 a.m. |
Wednesday 11th October |
Year 2 |
9.05 a.m. |
Thursday 12th October |
Year 4 |
9.05 a.m. |
Tuesday 17th October |
Year 6 |
9.05 a.m. |
Monday 2nd October |
Year 5 |
9.05 a.m. |
Wednesday 4th October |
Year 3 had their curriculum workshop on Monday. The children enjoyed completing a fun activity with their parents!

Teapot Time
Please see the letter below from Mrs Wallace regarding a change to Teapot Time.

PE Uniform
Thank you for your support with school uniform this week and especially with PE uniform. There has been a noticeable difference throughout the school.

The Bee Hive Club is now open. The Club is based in the Bee Hive which is the nursery building currently.
Opening Times
The Bee Hive Club is open to children between 7.45am – 8.45am & 3.20pm - 6.00pm every school day.
There is a minimum of two qualified members of staff and a ratio of one member of staff to eight children under the age of eight years.
The Bee Hive Admissions Policy
The Bee Hive (Before and After School Club) will admit any child who attends St Ambrose School subject to availability of places, and the admissions criteria below.
The Bee Hive Morning Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The Bee Hive Evening Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The club operates a minimum staffing of one adult per eight children under the age of 8 years.

Important Dates
Please see above for the Curriculum Workshops.

Event | Date |
Confirmation Meeting | Tuesday 26th September at 6p.m. |
Y6 MAC Sports Event | Wednesday 27th September |
Blessing of Animals Service | Wednesday 4th October at 2.45pm |
Harvest Mass | Friday 13th October at 9.30a.m. |
Autumn Parents Evening 1 | Tuesday 7th November |
Autumn Parents Evening 2 | Wednesday 8th November |
Term Dates

Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8th january - Friday 9th February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19th february - Friday 22nd March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July |
Staff Training Days | Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24. |
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby