Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 22nd December 2023

Christmas Mass Times at St Ambrose Catholic Church
The Vigil of Christmas including Folk Group | Sunday 24th December | 5pm |
Midnight Mass | Sunday 24th Decmber | Please arrive by 11.55pm |
The Birth of Our Lord | Monday 25th Decmeber | 9am (Old Rite) and 10.30am |

All staff would like to extend a big thank you for all of the cards and gifts and Christmas messages that they have received. Thank you also for all of your support throughout 2023 and especially during this last term. We wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year.
Message from Mrs Brocklesby
Christmas is a time of joy, happiness, giving and being in the moment. It’s one that also represents peace and hope, it comes at the end of the year and for many is a time of reflection and looking forward. So whatever your plans I hope you have a restful holiday and enjoy time doing what makes you happiest.
We hope you take some time over the Christmas break to rest, recuperate and relax with your families. Thank you for the cards and Christmas gifts sent for staff. We greatly appreciate your kindness and for thinking of us. Thank you all for your continued support and partnership. Have a great Christmas and let’s try to bring more of God's love and joy into our family and other families in 2024.
As a family please come together to Mass at 5pm at Saint Ambrose Church on Christmas Eve. The children will be called to hang their Christmas decoration on the Christmas tree. The decoration reminds us that
“the Birth of Jesus brings us the good news that we are loved immensely and uniquely by God”
Pope Francis
Message from Mrs Laskey
Dear Parents and Carers
What a lovely week we have had with all the Christmas festivities.
It all started last Friday evening with the Mini-Vinnies supporting the parish with the maintenance fundraising. The Mini-Vinnies held a quiz night and Kian, Robyn and Ruby from Year Five, happily led the quiz between them and were fantastic hosts. It was an enjoyable evening had by all and £60 was raised for the parish. Thank you to Kian, Robyn and Ruby and to Mr Pitt for supporting the Mini-Vinnies. Here are a selection of questions from the evening so see how many you know, answers are at the end!
1. What colour suit did Santa wear until his Coca-Cola rebrand?
2. Which British monarch delivered the very first Christmas speech?
3. Which Norwegian city has been donating Trafalgar Square’s Christmas tree since 1947?
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we held our Nativity production from the children in Key Stage One and our Carol Concert from Key Stage Two. They were both fabulous events.
'Bethlehem Bake Off' performed by all the children in Reception, Year One and Year Two was a perfect way to remind us of the importance of Christmas. The children sang their hearts out and this was matched by the clear voices when saying their lines. As I said, they all deserved a 'Bethlehem Handshake'. Well done to all the children and thank you to all the staff in Key Stage One who supported them.
Here are some quotes from Year One:
The Carol Concert from Key Stage Two was excellent, and it was lovely to see all the children work together to create such a wonderful sound. The choice of songs, hymns and readings made us all think about the important event of Jesus' birth. There were a few members of the parish who attended and I received some lovely comments from them,
“Well done to all those involved, a fitting way to start the Christmas season”
and the
“School choir magnificent – such enthusiasm and it brought a tear to my eye. Please thank them.”
Well done to all the children in Key Stage Two and thank you to all the staff for organising the concert.
Thank you to all those who were able to attend these events, it was lovely to see parents, grandparents and friends supporting the children.
Yesterday we had our Christmas party day which I know everyone enjoyed and I'm sure many slept well last night, including the staff! We started the morning with a whole school Christmas sing-along and this was followed by every child visiting Father Christmas. At lunchtime the children and some staff enjoyed tucking into their Christmas lunch. The children said,
“We saw Santa and got presents.”
“I liked singing in the hall because it was fun.”
“The Christmas dinner was delicious.”
Thank you to TAPP for organising our very special visitor and to AiP caterers for a very tasty Christmas lunch.
Today we celebrated Mass as a whole school and this was a lovely way to finish a very special week. The children sang the carols beautifully and the readers read very clearly. Thank you to Father Lamb and to the four altar servers who assisted. During the Mass Father Lamb reminded the children about the Christmas Eve (Sunday) Vigil Mass at 5p.m. and invited all the children to attend with their families. The children have all made a special Christmas decoration that reminds us of the Christmas story and during the Mass the children will be invited to put their decoration on the Christmas tree. I look forward to seeing you there at this very special Mass to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
A final note from me, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children, staff and parents who have warmly welcomed me into St Ambrose school community. It has been a wonderful term that has been full of exciting teaching and learning and we look forward to continuing this in January. I wish you all a very joyful Christmas and a happy new year.
Mrs. Laskey
“Loving Father
Help us to remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and the worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift and
Good desires with every greeting. Amen”
Answers to the quiz
1. Green 2. George V 3. Oslo
Well done!

Thank you to everyone that made a donation on Christmas Jumper day. We collected £95 in total which will be donated to the amazing charity Winstons Wish.

I love God because he made the beautiful world.
I love the teachers because they teach us all about God.
I love my family because they do lots of prayers with me all about God.
Prayer by Harper
Year 5 Pyramid Concert

Teapot Tuesday will return on Tuesday 16th January.

Date/Time | Event |
Monday 8th January | RETURN TO SCHOOL |
Tuesday 9th January | SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER |

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church

There is a real and growing concern of how many young people find it ok to share inappropriate images online. It is leading to so many becoming vulnerable to potential exploitation, blackmail and harm from a young age, leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you are involved.
Please see the poster below that serves to reinforce online safety practices and encourages open conversations among parents, caregivers, and colleagues on this sensitive issue.

Please click on the link to view the Christmas Wellbeing newsletter, which is filled with ideas to support the whole family (adults and children) in improving their overall wellbeing, through opportunities that are linked to the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’.
You can also access the newsletter from the PDF link below.

The Bee Hive Club is now open. The Club is based in the Bee Hive which is the nursery building currently.
Opening Times
The Bee Hive Club is open to children between 7.45am – 8.45am & 3.20pm - 6.00pm every school day.
There is a minimum of two qualified members of staff and a ratio of one member of staff to eight children under the age of eight years.
The Bee Hive Admissions Policy
The Bee Hive (Before and After School Club) will admit any child who attends St Ambrose School subject to availability of places, and the admissions criteria below.
The Bee Hive Morning Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The Bee Hive Evening Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The club operates a minimum staffing of one adult per eight children under the age of 8 years.

Term Dates

Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8th january - Friday 9th February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19th february - Friday 22nd March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July |
Staff Training Days | Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24. |
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby