Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 20th October 2023
Message from Mrs Brocklesby
I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about the role of PARENT governor at our school. It is the Local Governing Body who are responsible for ensuring that the children at Saint Ambrose receive the best possible quality of education and care. Local Governing Body members do this through meeting regularly and visiting the school, in order to gain an understanding of how the school operates, what its strengths are and the challenges that the school faces.
We have a dedicated team of Local Governing Body members who represent both the Parish and the families here at school. We meet as a Local Governing Body once every half-term – the maximum number of meetings is 6 per year and these can take place either virtually or in person and we aim that they last for no more than 2 hours each. Governors are also encouraged to visit the school during the day to gain more of an insight of how things work and to carry out specific monitoring. The term of office for this role is usually a commitment for 4 years.
Being a Governor is a valuable role that enables not just the chance to make a difference to the lives of our children but also a valuable personal development opportunity. Training and development opportunities are provided at no charge to governors and these enable governors to develop the skills required to deliver effective governance.
This week Governors have appointed Miss Brewer as our Assistant Principal. I am sure you would like to congratulate her and wish her luck in her new role. Well Done Miss Brewer.
Next week I will send out details about how you can apply for the role of parent governor. Please consider this role as it is a great way to make a difference.
Message from Mrs Laskey
Even with the interesting weather, it was lovely this morning to welcome some existing and potential new parents into our school for the open morning. There was a lovely buzz around the school and the Year Six children did a wonderful job of showing our visitors round. They were great ambassadors and did us all proud. The visitors said,
‘What a lovely school, with a great feeling’
‘Everyone has smiles on their face, the children are very happy’
‘There is lots of interesting learning going on’
‘Lots of active learning’
Thank you to those who were able to encourage friends, family and neighbours to visit.
On Tuesday we had our last Curriculum Workshop. These have been a huge success and very well attended. I’d like to thank the staff for preparing and leading their year group workshop and thank you to all parents/carers who were able to attend. On Monday we will send out a link to a Microsoft Form and we welcome your feedback.
On Wednesday, I attended the parish Mass with Year Four. They showed great reverence throughout and read clearly. It was the feast day of St. Luke, one of the Gospel writers and Father Lamb explained about his role in promoting the early church as a key writer. The children had the opportunity to explore the pulpit where there are some beautiful mosaics of the gospel and letter writers (St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, St. Peter and St. Paul).
During the month of October, we say the rosary. Throughout this month all the children and staff have been working together to complete the Mark 10 Mission which challenges us to say every decade of the rosary during the month. On Thursday, members of the Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) came into school and said two decades of the rosary with all the Key Stage One children. They thoroughly enjoyed their visit, and we look forward to welcoming them again. Next week we will be praying the decades of the Glorious Mysteries.
Today we say goodbye to a number of Worcester University students that returned to us following their placement in the Summer term. It has been great to have them in school and for them to see the beginning of the academic year. We thank them for their hard work, and we wish them every success with their training and future teaching careers.
Next week we look forward to inviting a selection of parents for our first Celebration Assembly on Friday. As in the past if your child has been chosen for demonstrating true discipleship through the virtues you will be contacted on Monday and asked to attend the Celebration Assembly on the Friday.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine on Sunday (that is what the app is currently saying but no promises!).

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Year Group | This Week | This Term |
Whole School | 94.1% | 93.8% |
Reception | 97.2% | 93.3% |
Year 1 | 94.8% | 90.0% |
Year 2 | 91.4% | 88.2% |
Year 3 | 91.3% | 94.8% |
Year 4 | 97.4% | 98.9% |
Year 5 | 94.7% | 95.1% |
Year 6 | 92.9% | 86.3% |
Cafod Raffle

Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church

Can we remind you that your child's application for High School needs to be completed by 31st October. If you miss the deadline your application will be classed as late and your child may not get their first choice of High School.
Important Dates

Event | Date |
Folk Mass - Everyone invited to attend | Sunday 22nd October 6pm |
Confirmation Meeting | Tuesday 24th October at 6p.m. |
Reception, Year 1 and 2 Mass | Wednesday 25th October at 9.15a.m. |
Spooky Bake Off | Wednesday 35th October - Entries |
Break up for Half Term | Friday 27th October |
Autumn Parents Evening 1 - Please note change of date | Tuesday 14th November |
Autumn Parents Evening 2 - Please note change of date | Wednesday 15th November |
You will be able to book for you child's parent's evening appointment before we break up for half term. All bookings will be via Arbor. Please speak to the school office if you are having any difficulties logging into Arbor.
Spooky Bake Off


The Bee Hive Club is now open. The Club is based in the Bee Hive which is the nursery building currently.
Opening Times
The Bee Hive Club is open to children between 7.45am – 8.45am & 3.20pm - 6.00pm every school day.
There is a minimum of two qualified members of staff and a ratio of one member of staff to eight children under the age of eight years.
The Bee Hive Admissions Policy
The Bee Hive (Before and After School Club) will admit any child who attends St Ambrose School subject to availability of places, and the admissions criteria below.
The Bee Hive Morning Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The Bee Hive Evening Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The club operates a minimum staffing of one adult per eight children under the age of 8 years.

Term Dates

Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8th january - Friday 9th February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19th february - Friday 22nd March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July |
Staff Training Days | Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24. |
Half Term Clubs

Kidderminster Harriers Community Scheme will be holding our holiday football courses during half term. Course run 10am-3pm and are open to children aged 5-13 years (Reception- Year 8). Younger children, 5-7 years can attend for half days if they prefer.
The courses will feature our Star Player Award and a mini soccer tournament, everyone who competes receive a prize.
Cost: Online price: 1 day = £10, 2 days = £20, 3 days= £28 . Half days @ £5 per day 10-12.30 or 1-3pm - 10% sibling discount
Pay on the day price: 1 day = £12, 2 days = £22, 3 days= £30. Half days @ £6 per day- No sibling discount
The venues are:-
Droitwich Cricket Club WR9 7AN– Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st
Worcester – Bishop Perowne College -Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st
Malvern – Dyson Perrins Academy - Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st
Kidderminster – Baxter College - Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd
Cleobury Sports Centre - Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd
Please bring both indoor and outdoor footwear, packed lunch, drinks, umbrella and waterproof clothing. All courses will be outdoors, in the event of adverse weather conditions, we may have to cancel. Online price is available until Friday 27th Oct. After this date pay on the day price applies.
To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk Please email details EACH time you book
Name: Age: Any Medical Conditions: Emergency Contact number:
Course Venue: Days attending:
Payment details will be sent with confirmation of booking.

Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby