Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby

Head of School: Mrs S Laskey

email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com

Contact number: 01562 823568

Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

The staff would like to thank you all for the cards and gifts that have been given for Christmas.

Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Friday 20th December 2024

Year 3 and Year 5 will be going swimming from Tuesday 7th January. Please ensure you have given consent on Arbor prior to returning after the Christmas break.

Message from Mrs Brocklesby

The Christmas term is always so busy, but also a real joy. It is always so beautiful to spend this time of year in the company of youngsters; with the building excitement and looming gifts from Santa, tinsel hanging from their hair and Christmas songs ringing out. I truly do love it.

However, as an adult we also know that this can be a really difficult time for individuals and families, for a whole host of reasons. This is when a community must (and should) come together to support each other. If you are finding anything difficult at this time; please reach out—to school, or to the community. Remember that we are here to love and serve all our families, and if I can help in any way I can then please do not hesitate to contact me.

As always, the pupils have been working really hard and on behalf on everyone at Saint Ambrose I would like to wish you and your family a Happy and Holy Christmas, filled with love and good health and I look forward to welcoming you all back in 2025!


Message from Mrs Laskey

Dear Parents and Carers

On Monday it was lovely to visit Nightingale Court Residential Home with the Year 6 children.  They sang a selection of carols and Christmas songs that the residents thoroughly enjoyed, and were happy to join in. Well done to Year 6 for spreading Christmas cheer.   

Yesterday, we had our Christmas party day which I know everyone enjoyed and I'm sure many slept well last night, including the staff! We started the morning with a whole school Christmas sing-along and this was followed by every child visiting Father Christmas. At lunchtime the children and some staff enjoyed tucking into their Christmas lunch.

Thank you to TAPP for organising our very special visitor and to AiP caterers for a very tasty Christmas lunch. 

Today we celebrated Mass as a whole school and this was a lovely way to finish a very special week. The children sang the carols beautifully and the readers read very clearly.  Thank you to Canon Lamb and to the altar servers who assisted.

All children are invited to attend the Christmas Eve (Tuesday) Vigil Mass at 5p.m. with their families.  In school, every child has made a special Christmas decoration that reminds us of the Christmas story and during the Mass the children will be invited to put their decoration on the Christmas tree.  I look forward to seeing you there at this very special Mass to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  

A final note from me, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children and staff for your hard work and to the parents for your continued support. It has been a wonderful term that has been full of exciting teaching and learning and we look forward to continuing this in January.  I wish you all a very joyful Christmas and a happy new year.

Mrs. Laskey

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations of toiletries in support of the Reverse Advent Calendar Appeal. We donated 228 items! Well done

There will be a meeting on Wednesday 15th January at 2.45p.m. in the school hall to welcome any parents or carers who wish to support the future of TAPP which is currently our Teachers and Parent Partnership. This is a key group in our school community that are fundamental in fundraising for school. It would be lovely to see some news faces as we drive this forward.  Everyone is warmly welcome to come along.  


Please see the flyer for more information on the after school sports club for the spring term that are delivered by Sprint Active.

Please also note the reduction in session cost from £5 to £3 per session per child.

Please find attached a Christmas Wellbeing newsletter, which is filled with ideas to support the whole family (adults and children) in improving their overall wellbeing, through opportunities that are linked to the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’.

Harriers Holiday Football Club

Christmas & New Year Holiday Football
Kidderminster Harriers Community Scheme will be holding our holiday football courses during the Christmas holidays. Courses run 10am-3pm, Open to children aged 5-13 years (Reception- Year 8). Younger children, 5-7 years can attend for half days if they prefer. The course will include Santa's Penalty Shoot out and a Festive 5-a-side tournament.
Droitwich, Droitwich Leisure Centre astro -Monday 23rd December  
Bromsgrove, South Bromsgrove High School astro - Monday 23rd December 
Tenbury High School Sportshall – Monday 23rd December
Cleobury Mortimer Sports Centre Sportshall - Thursday 2nd January 2025
Worcester, Worcestershire FA, Claines Lane astro – Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd January 2025 
Kidderminster, Baxter College astro – Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd January 2025
Cost: Droitwich and Worcester venues - £15 per day online or cash on the day
Other venues - Online price (paid by 20/12): 1 day = £10, 2 days = £20. Half days @ £5 per day 10-12.30 or 1-3pm - 10% sibling discount 
Pay after 20th or cash on the day:  1 day = £12, 2 days = £22,  Half days @ £6 per day- No sibling discount
Please bring both indoor and outdoor footwear, packed lunch, drinks, umbrella and waterproof clothing. For outdoor courses, in the event of adverse weather conditions, we may have to cancel. Online price is available until Friday 20th Dec. After this date pay on the day price applies to online payments. 
To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk 
 Please email details EACH time you book 
 Name:                           Age:               Any Medical Conditions:              Emergency Contact number: 
 Course Venue:                                                      Days attending:   
Payment details will be sent with confirmation of booking. 
Note - We will only send you emails if you have previously enrolled on a course
Please email STOP with the venue you attended ie STOP DROITWICH if you no longer wish to receive Community Trust emails

Like and Follow our page on Facebook to keep up to date with all the comings and goings at St Ambrose! We have reached and exceeded our target and now have 217 followers!!

Please ensure you have given social media consent on Arbor if you would like your child to be featured!

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide. 

The Attendance Policy 2024-2025 states that:
Parents are asked to inform the school before 8.50a.m. on their child's first day of absence. This can be done via telephone (01562 823568) or email (enquiry_amb@emmausmac.com).  Parents are asked to keep the school informed of the child's continued absence if it does not constitute the 48 hours rule for the sickness bug. 

We will continue sending out regular communications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Times of the School Day

8.40a.m. Gates open

8.50a.m. Gates close and registration in class

8.50a.m. - 9.20a.m. Late before close of register

After 9.20a.m. - Late (unauthorised) 



Please see the leaflet regarding our Nursery. If you or anyone you may know has a child of nursery age please can we ask that you pass on the information regarding the St Ambrose Nursery.



Term Dates

Reception Monday
Year 1 Tuesday and Thursday
Year 2 Monday and Wednesday
Year 3 Tuesday (swimming) and Thursday
Year 4 Tuesday and Friday
Year 5 Tuesday (swimming) and Friday
Year 6 Monday and Friday

Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church

Folk Masses for this Term 

First Mass of Christmas Tuesday 24th December at 5p.m.


Kind Regards,

Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby