DATE: Friday 1st July 2022


Today all children found out who will be their class teacher in September - see staffing list. Next week we will begin the transition process as children will spend Wednesday morning in their new classroom with their new teachers. We will also be holding meet the teacher sessions for parents to attend and get to know the staff who will be supporting your son or daughter - see dates below. All children will receive a post card from their new teacher during the holidays and over the next few weeks children will learn about their new classes.
At the end of the year, we will be very sad to say goodbye to:
Mrs Leak our Year 3 teacher. She has made such a positive impact on our school in so many ways and we know that she will be wonderful in her next role.
Mrs Lloyd who has worked with us for many years as a teaching assistant, she has always been a truly valuable member of staff. We hope that she will enjoy her free time and hopefully we will see her from time to time.
Miss Wright is leaving to embark on a new career. We will miss her and know she will be fantastic.
Mrs Bellison who has supported our Year 1 children and we wish her good luck at her next school.
Year Group | Teacher(s) | Teaching Assistant |
Reception | Miss Brewer | Mrs Doohan |
Year 1 | Miss Gawthorp | TBC |
Year 2 | Miss Crumpler | TBC |
Year 3 | Miss Ballard (2 days) Mrs Holder (3 days) | Ms Baylie |
Year 4 | Miss Noble | Ms Baylie |
Year 5 | Mr Pitt | Mrs Joyner |
Year 6 | Miss Holtom (3 days) Miss Ballard (2 days) | Mrs Joyner |
Learning Mentor | Nurture Lead | Pupil Specific Support |
Mrs O'Hara | Mrs Wallace | Mrs Bishop / Mrs Staite (Y3) |

We will be holding 'Meet The Teacher' drop in sessions for parents when we return to school in September. These will be from 2.45pm. Please see the table for the dates for each class.
Date | Year Group |
8th September | Reception and Year 1 |
9th September | Year 2 and Year 3 |
10th September | Year 4 and Year 5 |
11th September | Year 6 |

On Friday 8th July, our school will be hosting a fete from 3:00 to 5:00pm with many stalls including a hot dog stall, brilliant brownies, tombola and a dog show – to name but a few!
Each class has organized one or two stalls that you and your children can enjoy! We are raising money for our TAPP so that they can help make our school a better place and a better learning environment for the students. The pupils have organised their own stalls and found out how much money they will need and how much money they want to earn for the school. They have done this all by themselves showing their independence and responsibility.
There has been a letter sent out so your child can sign up to help with the stalls in ½ hour slots. Come on and join us on Friday 8th of July after school from 3:00pm.


Several vacancies have become available to become a governor of our school where you can work with our principal to help support and develop an excellent Catholic curriculum at our school!
Our school mission statement is: ‘We do our best by following Jesus’ and we live it out in everything we do. Also, we follow our three main school rules: ‘be safe, be ready and be respectful’. We are respectful to the staff and to other pupils. We stay safe by listening to the staff and by following the rules. We are always ready by practicing lockdowns yearly and fire drills bimonthly.
We do many fun things such as going on trips and residential trips as well as life skills such as cooking, first aid and cleaning every half term. Thanks to grants and contributions to the school we have an outdoor gym, a small climbing frame and an Astro-turf football pitch to use during PE and breaktimes. The staff organize many after school clubs to go to and events all year round.
You can become a governor and help ensure that many more wonderful opportunities are provided for the students.
Written by Oscar C Y6

Clubs, Trips and Sports Events
Date | Year Group | Event |
Mondays | Y5 and Y6 | Board Game Club - Sign up required |
Tuesdays | Y4, Y5 and Y6 | Photography club - Sign up required |
Wednesday 8th June | Y2 | Art Club - Sign up required |
Wednesday 6th July | Y6 | Hagley Transition Day |
Wednesday 13th July | Y2 | Safari Park |
Friday 15th July | Y4 | Severn Valley Railway and Country Park |
Friday 15th July | Y5 | Severn Valley Railway and Engine House Museum |
Tuesday 19th July | KS1 | Sports Day 12.15pm @Holy Trinity |
Tuesday 19th July | KS2 | Sports Day 9.15am @ Holy Trinity |
Class Assemblies
Date | Year Group |
Friday 15th July | Year 2 |
Monday 18th July - 6pm in school hall | Year 6 Leavers' Play |
Tuesday 19th July - 1.45pm in church | Year 6 Leavers' Mass & Graduation |
We hope you will be able to join us for our end of Term Mass.
Thursday 21st July | 9.30am in church |
Date | Year Group | Time |
6th July | YR, Y1 and Y2 | 2pm - in school hall |
13th July | Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 | 2pm - in school hall |

Well done to all our Year 4 children who showcased their clarinet skills at the concert this afternoon. I was very impressed with your talent and how hard you have worked learning to play all the songs.

At the school fete we will have a second hand uniform stall that you can either:
1. swap some second hand uniform
2 or make a donation for some uniform
If you have any uniform you are happy to donate in advance, please send it into the school office.
You can now enquire about second hand uniform on the school website by selecting Key Information, Parents Information and then Uniform.
In the uniform section you will see information on how to request pre-loved uniform'
Please see the flyer below with details of the toy swap that will be taking place at our school fete on Friday 8th July.


Year Group | Curriculum | Discipleship |
Reception | Adam | Emilia |
Year 1 | Isla | Hubert |
Year 2 | Daniel P | Zuzanna |
Year 3 | Mikey | Matilda |
Year 4 | Emelia | Noah |
Year 5 | Danny | Michael |
Year 6 | FFion | Charlie |

Would you like to join the Parish flower group?
Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Whether you already have flower arranging experience or are just a beginner. They are very short and helpers and any assistance would be very welcome. Training and guidance will be given to any beginners. Please phone or text Elaine Yates on 07951 535843 if you are interested. Many thanks.
FOLK MASS Saturday July 9th
I have been informed about a Folk Mass at Saint Ambrose Church on Saturday 9th July. On Monday all children will receive an invite to the Mass.

In our PSHE lessons this term, we will be discussing the NSPCC’s PANTS rules. These are designed to teach pupils how to stay safe from sexual abuse, without giving explicit information or telling scary stories or even using the term “sexual abuse”. In the lesson, children will learn about the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which stands for:
• Privates are private.
• Always remember your body belongs to you.
• No means no
• Talk about secrets that upset you
• Speak up, someone can help.
The lesson will be fully age-appropriate.
More information about talking PANTS, including a short film and a parent guide can be found at nspcc.org.uk/pants

Please see the flyer below with details on how to enter the Talent Show. The money raised will be donated to Saint Ambrose Church maintenance fund.
The competition is open to all year groups - you can enter in a group or as a solo. Any talent will be accepted - dancing, singing, acting, musicians, comedy acts etc. We look forward to seeing your entries!



Can we please remind you to complete and return the live stream consent form that came home with your child last week.

Mathew Morgan who leads the intercessory prayer network at Saint Ambrose has provided parishioners the opportunity to leave prayer intentions for the network to pray for throughout the week. Matthew would like to extend this opportunity to our school community and invites anyone to email prayer intentions to stambroseintercessors@gmail.com

Please see the comments from an email that was received from the museum of carpet after our Year 3 children visited them this week. We are so proud of Year 3 for representing our school so beautifully.
"Just a note to say how much we enjoyed having the children to the Museum of Carpet yesterday morning; they were a fantastically well-behaved and lovely group of children and I wish them well as they move up the school."
The things that are achieved by the children at our school are incredible. Members of our school represent numerous sports teams and clubs outside of school, as well as representing the school with great pride at various competitions.
This week:
The Bikeability Trainers emailed an evaluation form which said: 'we received a warm welcome from all the staff at St. Ambrose, it was VERY well organised, with enthusiastic, polite and very well behaved children.'

At Saint Ambrose everyone recognises regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in life. To ensure all our children get the best start in life, we will contact you and support you if we feel your son or daughter's attendance is below an acceptable level.
Year Group | Weekly Attendance | Termly Attendance |
Whole School | 88.5% | 92.6% |
Reception | 88.0% | 89.9% |
Year 1 | 79.1% | 90.1% |
Year 2 | 92.0% | 94.2% |
Year 3 | 91.5% | 94.0% |
Year 4 | 93.8% | 94.5% |
Year 5 | 81.7% | 91.3% |
Year 6 | 93.7% | 93.7% |
Attendance will be celebrated weekly in our Gospel Assembly on a Friday and the winning class will be able to select a treat from a list devised by the school Ambassadors.
Thank you to everyone for remembering the school gates open at 8.45 am and close at 9.00 am as we now no longer have a staggered start. If anyone arrives after 9.00 am they will need to come into school via the main office. Arriving before 9.00 am ensures no learning time is lost-thank you for your support.
TERM DATES 2022/23

Please see the confirmed term dates below for 2022/23.

The Church is currently following a directive from Pope Francis to focus on reflection and sharing of the whole church. Pope Francis states,
"By walking together, and together reflecting on the journey made, the Church will be
able to learn from what it will experience which processes can help it to live
communion, to achieve participation, to open itself to mission."
At Saint Ambrose we aim to enable families to experience the wide parish Community and for us to reflect and learn please complete the survey, see link below. The results will be shared with the parish to enable us to grow and learn together.
PLEASE EMAIL ebrocklesby@st-ambrose.worcs.sch.uk if your son (years 4-6) would like to train as an altar server or your son or daughter (years 3-6) would like to read at Parish Masses.

Father Lamb extends a warm welcome to all families to continue to attend Mass. Please click on the link below which will take you to the Parish website where you can view historical newsletters and get information on Mass times.
Please also click on the PDF to view the most recent Parish newsletter.

Year Group | P.E. Days - Wear P.E. Kit |
Reception | Wednesday |
Year 1 | Tuesday |
Year 2 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday |
Year 4 | Monday and Thursday |
Year 5 | Monday and Tuesday |
Year 6 | Tuesday |
Please ensure that your child comes to school in their correct P.E. kit. The P.E. uniform is as follows:
- Black shorts, black leggings, black track suit bottoms (unbranded if possible)
- Maroon round neck T-shirt with embroidered badge
- P.E pumps or black trainer

Please follow the link below to access this week's Wednesday Word.

Kind Regards,
Mrs Brocklesby