Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby

Head of School: Mrs S Laskey

email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com

Contact number: 01562 823568

Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Friday 19th January 2024




Reception Hearing Screening will be on Tuesday 23rd January Please use the adjacent link in order to register and log onto the portal to opt in or out of this screening.

Message from Mrs Brocklesby

This week I would like to share some online facts with you, one in three 8-year-olds in Britain own a smartphone and that proportion rises to more than 90% by the time children reach 12. This concerted increase – driven by factors both personal (blossoming independence) and practical (the transition to secondary school) – makes it all the more valuable for young people to know how to use such devices safely.

Indeed, more than half of parents (52%) surveyed by Ofcom admitted to worrying about their child using a mobile phone.  So for this reason, I wanted to share the Wake-Up Wednesday guide. This week it pulls together some simple smartphone safety tips.

Message from Mrs Laskey

Dear Parents and Carers , 

We have certainly had to wrap up warm this week with the cold weather. Well done and thank you to the children and staff who had to move classrooms. They coped with the change very well and we count ourselves lucky that we do have the luxury of two extra classrooms that can be used. We will continue to monitor the temperatures.   

This week Mrs. Brocklesby and I have been visiting the classrooms to observe the teaching and learning in Religious Education (RE).  In Reception the children were busy acting out a Baptism while learning about the importance of the holy water, the shell, wearing a white garment and baptismal candle.   

Year One eagerly played pass the parcel to reveal the clues about the Parable Jesus told about ‘The Lost Sheep’.  They were able to share the different emotions the shepherd and sheep had felt during the story.  It was also lovely to hear the children sing a beautiful hymn with such enthusiasm.     

Year Two children were all active in the role play of the Wedding Feast at Cana. They learnt about the importance of Jesus' first miracle, and how Mary had faith in her son.  The children were able to think of the key actions, problem and what Jesus did to resolve it.   

Year Three children were exploring the importance of the crib and how Saint Francis was instrumental in its tradition.  We all recognise the crib and its significance in our religious lives. The children then created their own crib designs.    

In Year Five the children studied the event of the Baptism of the Lord through a piece of art.  They were able to interpret the piece of art in their own way, and they shared their thoughts about it with one another. It was wonderful to see the children engaged in their learning.  I look forward to visiting Year Four and Six in the coming weeks.  

Today all the children in Saint Wulstan’s house went to church to celebrate Mass as the 19th January is Saint Wulstan's feast day. Father Lamb spoke to us about how Saint Wulstan was the Bishop of Worcester and was very wise and faithful. Thank you to the servers who helped Father Lamb and to the excellent readers.  You were all very clear in your voice and took care. Today all the children in Saint Wulstan’s house have brought home a red topped cupcake, made by AIP to celebrate the feast day.  We look forward to celebrating Saint Nicholas Owen (blue house) feast day next Tuesday.  

Next Friday, please be aware it is Rockstar day at school. This is to support our launch of Times Table Rock Stars that helps the children to learn their time tables.  

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs. Laskey 

We wanted to share Aurelia’s fantastic news that she has successfully auditioned for a role in Midland Theatre Ballet’s production of ‘Snow White’ taking place at the Crescent Theatre in Birmingham on 28th/29th/30th March. Please use the link below if you would like to purchase tickets.
Aurelia, we are very proud of your commitment and love of ballet and not only are you performing in 'Snow White', you have also secured a place at Elmhurst Ballet School!! We wish you all the very best in your performance and every success in your ballet.

This years Valentines Bakes Off will be held on Wednesday 7th February. All entries to be brought into the school office and they will be judged and then sold to the children during the day and any remaining cakes will be sold from the school hall at the end of the day to parents and families.

Cupcakes and biscuits would be preferred due to them being easier to hand out when selling.

Children will need to bring in a maximum of £1 cash on the day in a named envelope or purse.


We are a family support charity in the Wyre Forest. For our wonderful service of supporting families to continue we need to recruit more volunteers to home visit families or support at our family groups. If this is something that you would be interested in then please contact us. Many thanks.

Year 5 Pyramid Concert

We are delighted to be hosting our fourteenth Emmaus Pyramid Concert at Birmingham Symphony Hall on 5th February 2024 at 7pm. The theme this year will be "Electric Dreams-Through the 80's".
To support our communities we have held the reduced ticket price this year. Tickets will be selling at £5 each, with an unlimited allocation per family and can be purchased at the link below.(Please contact the box office directly if you require assistance with disabled access)
Tickets will go on sale to the general public from today.
Please note you may also book tickets by calling the box office at Symphony hall directly and referencing the event Emmaus Pyramid Concert presents Electric Dreams (Through the 80's), Please note tickets cannot be purchased on Symphony Halls website.
Tuesday 23rd January --------------------------- Reception Hearing Tests - Consent/withdrawal given via the parent portal
--------------------------- 9.15am St Nicholas Owen House Mass (Blue House)
Friday 26th January All Day Times Table Rockstar Day (KS2) Number Day (KS1) - More information to follow
Wednesday 31st January 9.30am Whole School Mass
Monday 5th February 7pm MAC Year 5 Pyramid Concert
Tuesday 6th February All Day Safer Internet Day
--------------------------- 3.30pm - 6pm Parents' Evening 1
Wednesday 7th February 9.15am Reception, Y1 and Y2 Class Mass
--------------------------- -------------------------- TAPP Valentine's Bake Off
Thursday 8th February 3.30pm - 6pm Parents' Evening 2
Monday 19th February -------------------------- Return to School for Spring Term 2
Wednesday 21st February 9.15am Year 6 Class Mass
Friday 1st March 9.15am St Chad's House Mass (Yellow House)
Wednesday 6th March 9.15am Year 5 Class Mass
Thursday 7th March All Day World Book Day - More information to follow
Wednesday 13th March 9.15am Year 4 Class Mass
Friday 22nd March 9.15am Whole School Mass
-------------------------- --------------------------- Break up for Easter

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide. 

We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Year Group This Week Academic Year
Whole School 92.5% 92.2%
Reception 95.8% 91.1%
Year 1 89.6% 90.9%
Year 2 86.6% 89.4%
Year 3 96.3% 91.7%
Year 4 94.0% 96.4%
Year 5 89.2% 93.4%
Year 6 91.9% 92.7%

Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church


The Bee Hive Club is now open. The Club is based in the Bee Hive which is the nursery building currently.

Opening Times

The Bee Hive Club is open to children between 7.45am – 8.45am & 3.20pm - 6.00pm every school day.

There is a minimum of two qualified members of staff and a ratio of one member of staff to eight children under the age of eight years.

The Bee Hive Admissions Policy

The Bee Hive (Before and After School Club) will admit any child who attends St Ambrose School subject to availability of places, and the admissions criteria below.

The Bee Hive Morning Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day.  The Bee Hive Evening Club will accept up to 20 children on any one day. The club operates a minimum staffing of one adult per eight children under the age of 8 years.

Term Dates

Term Dates
Autumn Term 1 Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October
Autumn Term 2 Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December
Spring Term 1 Monday 8th january - Friday 9th February
Spring Term 2 Monday 19th february - Friday 22nd March
Summer Term 1 Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May
Summer Term 2 Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July
Staff Training Days Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby