Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 17th February 2023

Event | Date and Time |
Reception Phonics Workshop | Wednesday 1st March 2.15pm |
Y6 Parent's SATs Workshop | Thursday 2nd March - 9.00am |
St Chad's Feast Day (wear something yellow) | Thursday 2nd March |
World Book Day | Friday 3rd March |
Dress Like a Teacher Day | Friday 10th March |
St Nicholas Owen's Feast Day (wear something blue) | Wednesday 22nd March |
Y1 Hartlebury Museum Trip | Thursday 4th May |
St Richard's Feast Day (wear something green) | Friday 16th June |
First Holy Communion | Saturday 17th June |
Summer Sports Day | Tuesday 18th July |

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Starting Well to offer our parents and carers a course 'Understanding Your Child.' Please see the flyer below and register your interest by calling the school office. In order for this course to be viable we require a minimum of 8 parents to join the programme.

Please see the flyer below for the themed 'Pirate' lunch that will be taking place on Tuesday 28th February. If you would like your child to have lunch on this day please place your order through the School Food United website.


Thank you and well done to Year 4 for leading a beautiful prayer service today. The prayer service has helped us to prepare for Lent. It also linked to our learning about everyone being made in the image and likeness of God. Going forth to Ash Wednesday we all received a wooden cross to remind us Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season, one of fasting and prayer.

This half term, we have been growing to be eloquent and truthful in what we say about ourselves, the relations between people, and the world. As a school, we will help our pupils grow by developing an eloquent language which they can use to understand and articulate their emotions, belief, and questions and will encourage them to be truthful in the way they represent themselves and speak about the world.
The following pupils will be receiving a certificate after half term.
Year Group | Teacher Vote | Pupil Vote |
Reception | Florence W | Thomas B |
Year 1 | Alexander | Nellie-May |
Year 2 | Abel | Cody |
Year 3 | Jack | Ora-Reign |
Year 4 | Robyn M | Solly |
Year 5 | Emelia | Louie |
Year 6 | James | Jacob |


Well done to Year 3 and the “St. Ambrose Archaeology team” for putting on a brilliant musical assembly for the school and parents about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age! Thank you to the children and year 3 staff team for working so hard to prepare for the assembly.

On 1st March 2023, National Offer Day, all parents and carers who have applied for a Secondary School place for their child using the school admission application process of the local authority in which they live will receive notification of the outcome of their application either electronically or by post. If a family has named Hagley Catholic High School on their application and is offered a place at the school, parents/carers must confirm their acceptance of this offer through the process their local authority indicates as soon as possible.
In addition, it would also be helpful if parents and carers of students who have been offered a Year 7 place for September 2023 at Hagley Catholic High School through their local authority, also confirm acceptance of their place directly with the school by completing the attached MS Form:
This will support us in communicating with all new parents and carers as early as possible using the Arbor Parent Portal.
Parents and carers who applied to Hagley Catholic High School and who have not been offered a Year 7 place for their child at the school for September 2023 can request that their child is placed on our Year 7 Intake Wait List by completing the attached MS Form: https://forms.office.com/e/Tst8Jiu2yr.
Any queries regarding admissions following the 1st March 2023 can be addressed to our Admissions Co-ordinator, Mrs. O’Brien, either via email: admissions_hchs@emmausmac.com or on 01562 883193 choosing option 3 at the main menu.
World Book Day!
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3rd March. All children can dress up as a book character and bring along the matching book. There will be lots of exciting events happening throughout the day. Your child will have come home with a £1 book token, which can also be spent at our Book Fair. Please see the link below for further information.
Book Fair is Coming!

Celebrate reading at our Book Fair! The book fair will arriving at our school from the 15th March to 21st March. It will be open from 3.30-4.00pm each day. There will be an online payment system in place where you can scan the QR code to purchase the book. For every book purchased, you will help earn free books for our school.
The Kiva!
We are pleased to announce that 'The Kiva' is now open. Father Lamb kindly came and blessed the den during the opening on Tuesday. We chose to open it on National Book Giving day. The Reading Ambassadors have sorted collections of books and reading buddies for the den. A big thank you to 'TAPP' for purchasing the Octopus cushion which fits lovely in the 'Kiva'. It will be open every breaktime and lunchtime.
Today, we launched the Live Simply assembly with the whole school.
At St Ambrose we are all working together to: live simply, live sustainably and live solidarity. Our School Ambassadors and Eco Warriors are now one big team - the Live Simply Team!
Living simply means living like Jesus by spending time in nature or in prayer and being grateful for all we have.
Living sustainably means looking after our world and remembering it is for everyone.
Living in solidarity means seeing everyone in the world as part of one big family.
What's next?
After half term we will be starting our next actions:
1) Across the school during our collective worship sessions and Key Stage reflections we will be learning all about Fairtrade as part of Fairtrade fortnight.
Year 5 and 6 will be playing the CAFOD banana split game.
Over half term can you spot any Fairtrade foods in your local supermarket?
2) After half term your child will come home with a letter about the CAFOD Big Lent Walk. We will walking in solidarity.
Here is the Live Simply Prayer:
Loving God, you created the world for us all to share,
A world of beauty and plenty,
Create in us a desire to live simply, so we can see your generosity,
You gave us responsibility for the earth,
a world of riches and delight.
Help is to live sustainably, so that those who follow us may enjoy the fruits of your creation.
Help us to act in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters
so that we help create a fairer world.

Thank you to everyone who entered the bake off competition. The cakes were all amazing!! The judges found it really hard to decide on winners as you all did so well. We raised an amazing £164.11!! Thank you. Please see the winners below:
Key Stage 1
YR Grace - First Place
YR Charlotte S - Second Place
Y1 Nellie-May - Third Place
Key Stage 2
Y3 Joseph V - First Place
Y4 Kian - Second Place
Y6 Nicola - Third Place

The long awaited and much prepared for Emmaus Pyramid Concert finally took place on Monday at Birmingham Symphony Hall and it was fabulous! This year, Year 5 children from across the EMMAUS schools were celebrating 50's music and each school showcased one popular song before all joining together to sing several songs as one large choir. The evening could justifiably be described as spectacular and whilst we must admit to being slightly biased, we did feel that St Ambrose children were notable by their beautiful singing, enthusiasm, smart appearance and exemplary behaviour! We would like to congratulate all the children and thank all the families and staff who went to the Symphony Hall to support our children. The children have worked exceptionally hard for this event under the guidance of Mr Mallinson and Mr. Pitt. This is always a lovely opportunity to celebrate together and for the children to meet children from other Emmaus MAC schools who may one day become lifelong friends when they transfer to high school! Well done children - it was a night to remember for everyone!
The Pyramid concert has been running for thirteen years now and it was lovely to see so many past pupils still taking part, now as Hagley students, clearly wanting to be part of an event that was so memorable to them from their Year 5 days.


During Lent, we will be supporting The Good Shepherd appeal. Your child will have come home with a special envelope today; if you can over the next few weeks please spare any coins you may have and pop into the envelope. All monies raised go toward supporting a wonderful charity: Father Hudsons, who help support children, families and adults in need. Thank you.
Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Year Group | Weekly Attendance | Term Attendance |
Whole School | 92.3% | 93.2% |
Reception | 91.3% | 91.2% |
Year 1 | 85% | 89.3% |
Year 2 | 93.2% | 93.6% |
Year 3 | 97.7% | 95.8% |
Year 4 | 94.4% | 93.9% |
Year 5 | 90% | 94.2% |
Year 6 | 93.8% | 94% |

Date/Time | Year Group |
1st March | Year 5 |
8th March | Year 6 |
15th March | Year 4 & Year 3 |
22nd March | Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 |
29th March | Whole School - End of Term |

Year Group | Date |
Year 1 | Thursday 8th June 2023 |
Reception | Thursday 22nd June 2023 |
Year 6 Play | Thursday 20th July 2023 - 6pm |
Year 6 Leavers Mass and Graduation | Monday 24th July 2023 |
TERM DATES 2023-24
Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4 Sept - Friday 27 October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6 November - Friday 22 December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8 January - Friday 9 February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19 February - Friday 22 March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8 April - Friday 24 May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3 June - Monday 22 July |
Staff Training Days |
Monday 4th September 2023 |
Tuesday 5th September 2023 |
Friday 6th October 2023 |
Friday 9th February 2024 |
Monday 22nd July 2024 |


Please follow the link below to access this week's Wednesday Word.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their correct P.E. kit. The P.E. uniform is as follows:
- Black shorts, black leggings, black track suit bottoms (unbranded if possible)
- Maroon round neck T-shirt with embroidered badge
- P.E pumps or black trainer
Year Group | PE Day |
Reception | Monday |
Year 1 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 2 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 4 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 5 | Tuesday and Wednesday |
Year 6 | Tuesday |
Children are to come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the day(s) listed above. Thank you.

Please read the following tips to share with your son or daughter about staying safe online:
- Never give out personal information. This includes online people you know as well. Keep them private!
- Never send pictures of yourself because once it’s online, it’s there forever, and it could get into the wrong hands.
- Don’t make friends with people you don’t know. People are not always who they say they are.
- Tell your parents/carers what you’re doing online so they can act fast if there are any issues and can vet whether the website is safe for use
- Leave the website and tell a trusted adult immediately if you see something that concerns you or makes you feel unsafe
- Never show your real name, age or where you live in your username
- Use strong passwords which have a mix of numbers, letters and symbols
- Do not share passwords with others
- Don’t open an attachment unless you’re 100% sure it’s safe
- Don’t let strangers into your video calls. Blur your background so you don’t give away any information about where you are.
- Be careful who you webcam with
- Don’t meet up with someone you’ve only met online
- Be nice online
- Think before your post! This applies to when you send or forward content.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Brocklesby