Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 15th November 2024

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular communications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Thank you to those who were able to attend the meeting on Monday evening. Watch this space for further information.
Message from Mrs Laskey

Anti-Bullying Week - Choose Respect
This week the children have thought about ways that they should show respect to one another. Through assemblies, lessons and live links via CBBC, the children have taken part in a variety of activities. On Tuesday 12th November we all took part in the annual odd sock day which is to remind us all that we are unique and different. It was lovely to see such an array of odd socks and the children proudly showed them off to everyone during Musical Praise.
Have a lovely weekend.

Last weekend many of our children attended a Remembrance Sunday parade as part of their Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies, Girl's Brigade or another similar group to mark Remembrance Day.


Red Wednesday
Wednesday 20th November. All children can wear red or an item of red to support the charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Nativity Dates

Date | Event | Time |
Tuesday 10th December | Reception and KS1 | 1.30pm in school |
Wednesday 11th December | Reception and KS1 | 9.30am in school |
KS2 Carol Service | 1.30pm in Church | |
Friday 13th December | KS2 Carol Service | 9.30am in Church |
Monday 16th December | Nursery Nativity | 9.15-10.15am in the school hall |
Head Lice Information

Please see the leaflet regarding our Nursery. If you or anyone you may know has a child of nursery age please can we ask that you pass on the information regarding the St Ambrose Nursery.

The Nursery Nativity performance will take place on Monday 16th December 9.15-10.15am in the school hall.

Tuesday 19th November | 6p.m. | Confirmation Meeting |
Friday 15th November | All Day | Children in own clothes (mufti) and donate a bottle for the Parish Christmas Bazaar |
Wednesday 20th November | All Day | Red Wednesday - wear red to school to support Aid to the Church in Need |
Wednesday 20th November | 9.15a.m. | Year 5 Class Mass |
Friday 22nd November | All Day | Children in own clothes (mufti) and donate chocolate for the Parish Christmas Bazaar |
Sunday 24th November | 6p.m. | Folk Mass for Feast of Christ the King |
Wednesday 27th November | 9.15a.m. | Year 4 Class Mass |
Friday 29th November | All Day | Year 6 Trip |
Sunday 1st December | First Sunday of Advent | |
Sunday 1st December | 12 noon onwards | Parish Christmas Bazaar |
Tuesday 3rd December | 6p.m. | Confirmation Meeting |
Wednesday 4th - Friday 6th December | Year 6 Residential | |
Friday 6th December | 9.30a.m. | Whole School Mass for the Feast of St Ambrose |
Saturday 7th December | 12 noon | Confirmation |
Tuesday 10th December | 1.30p.m. | Reception and Key Stage One Nativity |
Wednesday 11th December | 9.30a.m. | Reception and Key Stage One Nativity |
1.30p.m. | Key Stage Two Carol Concert in Church | |
Friday 13th December | 9.30a.m. | Key Stage Two Carol Concert in Church |
Monday 16th December | 9.15 - 10.15am | Nursery Nativity -in the School Hall |
Tuesday 17th December | 9.05a.m. | Reception and Year Two Christmas Workshops for Parents - More information to follow |
Wednesday 18th December | 9.05a.m. | Year One Christmas Workshops for Parents - More information to follow |
Thursday 19th December | Whole School Christmas Party Day |
Term Dates

Reception | Monday |
Year 1 | Monday and Tuesday |
Year 2 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday (swimming) and Friday |
Year 5 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 6 | Tuesday (swimming) and Friday |

Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Folk Masses for this Term
Sunday 24th November at 6p.m. - Christ the King
First Mass of Christmas Tuesday 24th December at 5p.m.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby