Friday 14th October 2022

It was lovely celebrating our Harvest Mass this morning and so lovely to hear songs being sang again in Mass. Thank you to everyone who sent in ingredients to make bread rolls and who donated food for our local Foodbank. We are overwhelmed with the donations we received to help support our local community - thank you! A big thank you goes to our Year 6 volunteers who helped load up cars with all the goods after Mass!


Year Group | Weekly | Termly |
Whole School | 93.3% | 95.08% |
Reception | 93.7% | 94.1% |
Year 1 | 90.5% | 95.5% |
Year 2 | 93.3% | 96.1% |
Year 3 | 99.2% | 95.7% |
Year 4 | 87.9% | 94.0% |
Year 5 | 94.0% | 95.6% |
Year 6 | 94.5% | 95.0% |

Please check your child's class page to find their login details for Oxford Owl. Your child will be able to access free ebooks online to read at home.

Our Reading Ambassadors at St. Ambrose are:
Y1 Pola and Bobby
Y2 Joshua and Isla
Y3 Leo and Hetty
Y4 Robyn M and Franky P
Y5 Mikaela and Charlie
Y6 Amelia and Jacob
This year, our wonderful Reading Ambassadors are inviting children to donate a book to the library instead of bringing in sweets on their birthday. They will then present it to the school in assembly. We will put a plaque inside the book showing our appreciation and they can add their own personal quote about reading to it.
Rewarding reading at home
The Reading Ambassadors will be asking their teachers on a Monday, to see how many children have read at least 5x week at home for the previous week. Then the winning class will be announced in assembly. The winning class will then choose a book for us to purchase to go into their class library.

This week has seen an amazing achievement for Colton who took part in a martial arts tournament and secured a silver and bronze medal. Well done Colton we are so proud of you!!

Swimming | Tuesday | Y4 and Y6 |
Choir | Thursday 3.20pm - 4.20pm | Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 |
Harriers after school club | Thursday 3.20pm - 4.20pm | Y4, Y5 and Y6 |
Sports Stars after school club | Tuesday 3.20pm - 4.20pm | Y1, Y2, and Y3 |
Mass Dates

Date and Time | Year Group |
19th October | YR, Y1 and Y2 |
1st November | Whole School - All Saints Day |
9th November | Y6 and Y5 |
16th November | Y4 and Y3 |
30th November | Y2, Y1 and YR |
7th December | Whole School - St Ambrose Feast Day |
16th December | Whole School - End of Term |
Confirmation Meeting Dates

All meetings will be held in the Parish Centre at 6pm
Wednesday 19th October | Meeting 3 - Members of Jesus' Church |
Thursday 3rd November | Meeting 4 - Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments |
Thursday 17th November | Meeting 5 - Living the Life of the Apostle |
Thursday 1st December | Meeting 6 - Confirmation: The Rite |
Wednesday 7th December | Children make the Sacrament of Confirmation |
Other Important Dates

Event | Date and Time |
Guided Tour of Church - introducing/re-introducing the Catholic Faith | Tuesday 18th October - 7pm (see the flyer below) |
Spooky Bake Off | Wednesday 19th October |
Hot Dog Friday organised by TAPP | Friday 4th November 3.20pm in the Playground |
St Ambrose Baby and Toddler Table Top Sale | Saturday 5th November 9.30-11.30am (see flyer below) |
Year 6 Remembrance Service | Friday 11th November - 10.45am |
Parents Evening - Session 1 | Monday 7th November - 3.30 - 6.30pm |
Year 2 SATs Information Workshop | Tuesday 15th November 9am - 10.30am |
Parents Evening - Session 2 | Wednesday 16th November - 3.30 - 6.30pm |
RSE Parent Worshop | Tuesday 22nd November - 3.30pm - 4.15pm |
Y6 Pioneer Residential | Wednesday 30th November - Friday 2nd December |
St Ambrose Feast Day | Wednesday 7th December |
Y6 Confirmation Mass | Wednesday 7th December - 7pm |
Parents Evening - Session 1 | Monday 6th February 3.30-6.30pm |
Parents Evening - Session 2 | Wednesday 15th February 3.30-6.30pm |
Summer Sports Day | Tuesday 18th July |



Tapp will be selling hotdogs on the school playground from 3.20pm on Friday 4th November.

Year Group | Date |
Year 2 | Thursday 10th November 2022 |
Year 5 | Thursday 24th November 2022 |
Year 4 | Thursday 12th January 2023 |
Year 3 | Thursday 16th February 2023 |
Year 1 | Thursday 8th June 2023 |
Reception | Thursday 22nd June 2023 |
Year 6 Play | Thursday 20th July 2023 - 6pm |
Year 6 Leavers Mass and Graduation | Monday 24th July 2023 |

Congratulations Assembly will be on Monday for Reception to Year 6 children. The children who will be receiving an award are:
Year Group | Curriculum Award | Discipleship Award |
Reception | Jamie | Noah |
Year 1 | Pola | Yonghao |
Year 2 | Matthew | Lily P |
Year 3 | Leela-J | Hetty |
Year 4 | Jared | Molly B |
Year 5 | Michal | Emelia |
Year 6 | Michael and Amelia | Ethan and Krystian |

If you are experiencing any problems with School Life then please come to the school office to speak with Mrs Fish or Miss Downs. They can also help you with setting up for Parent Pay and School Food United accounts.

Please remember to book your parents evening appointments via school life.

We are really excited to launch our year group prayer bags this week. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to spend time with your child(ren) completing the activities together. Please take the time to update the prayer bag book and feel free to email your year group email with any information that you want us to print off for you to go in the book. Prayer life is really important to us at Saint Ambrose and this we look forward to developing this further as a school this year. Every child will have the opportunity to take the prayer bag home over the course of the year.


On Wednesday, we honoured Our Lady, in a whole school Rosary service dedicated to the Joyful Mysteries where we were reminded of the happy times Mary spent with Jesus. Well done to Year 6 who led the service.


After half term, we will be holding our very own Saints Exhibition - we are asking for pupils to research and celebrate the life of a chosen saint and the work produced will be celebrated in a whole school exhibition gallery. Details will be given out next week. This is a fantastic opportunity for families to work together on this project over half term and there will be prizes for some of the most creative entries.

Please follow the link below to access this week's Wednesday Word.

We will be holding our ‘Open Day’ on Friday 21st October from 9.30-11.00am and 1.15-2.45pm. Please spread the word to parents of children who will start school in September 2023. Parents and children will have the opportunity to have a guided tour seeing the school in action , chat to staff and look around the school. Please feel free to come along and take advantage of this opportunity and encourage any friends or neighbours with school age children to come along too. As I have said before there can be a misconception that only Catholic children can apply to our school. We welcome applications from all families of all or no faith. If you know of any families who are presently preparing to apply for a school place please encourage them to attend the Open morning or contact me to arrange a visit and tour of the school. Applications for Reception Class 2023 must be completed online by 15 January 2023.

Friday 14th Oct – Bring your favourite soft toy into school.
Today the children brought in their favourite teddies and soft toys for Freel Good Friday.


Kidderminster Harriers Community Scheme will be holding our holiday football courses during half term. Course run 10am-3pm and are open to children aged 5-13 years (Reception- Year 8). Younger children, 5-7 years can attend for half days if they prefer.
The courses will feature our Star Player Award and a mini soccer tournament, everyone who competes receive a prize.
Cost: Online price: 1 day = £10, 2 days = £20, 3 days= £28 . Half days @ £5 per day 10-12.30 or 1-3pm - 10% sibling discount
Pay on the day price: 1 day = £12, 2 days = £22, 3 days= £30. Half days @ £6 per day- No sibling discount
The venues are:-
Droitwich Cricket Club WR9 7AN– Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th
Worcester – Bishop Perowne College -Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th
Malvern – Dyson Perrins Academy - Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th
Kidderminster – Baxter College - Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th & Friday 28th
Cleobury Sports Centre - Thursday 27th & Friday 28th
Please bring both indoor and outdoor footwear, packed lunch, drinks, umbrella and waterproof clothing. All courses will be outdoors, in the event of adverse weather conditions, we may have to cancel. Online price is available until Friday 21st Oct before the start date after which pay on the day price applies.
To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk Please email details EACH time you book
Name: Age: Any Medical Conditions: Emergency Contact number:
Course Venue: Days attending:
Payment details will be sent with confirmation of booking.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their correct P.E. kit. The P.E. uniform is as follows:
- Black shorts, black leggings, black track suit bottoms (unbranded if possible)
- Maroon round neck T-shirt with embroidered badge
- P.E pumps or black trainer
Year Group | PE Day |
Reception | Monday |
Year 1 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 2 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 3 | Monday and Friday |
Year 4 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 5 | Tuesday and Wednesday |
Year 6 | Tuesday |
Children are to come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the day(s) listed above. Thank you.

On Tuesday 18th October at 7pm, Father Lamb would like to invite you to a guided tour of the Church to introduce or re-introduce you to the Catholic Faith.

This half term it has been lovely to meet representatives form the Parish UCM group.
It is a National Organisation of Women, open to all women. The Union of Catholic Mothers organises some fantastic activities in the Parish Hall and would welcome any visitors or new members. They run a craft club on the 1st and 2nd Tuesday of every month from 2-4pm. Everyone is welcome and you can pop in before you collect or after collection.
The UCM group over the next few weeks will be dropping flyers into school about their activities and will be available in the playground (dates to be confirmed) to answer any questions and tell us about future events.

The Christmas Bazaar this year will be on Sunday 4th December at 12 o'clock after Mass in the Parish Centre. It will be wonderful to see as many families as possible especially as the choir will be singing carols around the Christmas tree.
Would you like to join the Parish flower group?
Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Whether you already have flower arranging experience or are just a beginner. They are very short and helpers and any assistance would be very welcome. Training and guidance will be given to any beginners. Please phone or text Elaine Yates on 07951 535843 if you are interested. Many thanks.

Please read the following tips to share with your son or daughter about staying safe online:
- Never give out personal information. This includes online people you know as well. Keep them private!
- Never send pictures of yourself because once it’s online, it’s there forever, and it could get into the wrong hands.
- Don’t make friends with people you don’t know. People are not always who they say they are.
- Tell your parents/carers what you’re doing online so they can act fast if there are any issues and can vet whether the website is safe for use
- Leave the website and tell a trusted adult immediately if you see something that concerns you or makes you feel unsafe
- Never show your real name, age or where you live in your username
- Use strong passwords which have a mix of numbers, letters and symbols
- Do not share passwords with others
- Don’t open an attachment unless you’re 100% sure it’s safe
- Don’t let strangers into your video calls. Blur your background so you don’t give away any information about where you are.
- Be careful who you webcam with
- Don’t meet up with someone you’ve only met online
- Be nice online
- Think before your post! This applies to when you send or forward content.

Please see the confirmed term dates below for 2022/23.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Brocklesby