Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby

Head of School: Mrs S Laskey

email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com

Contact number: 01562 823568

Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Friday 14th February 2025

Date Time Event
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February HALF TERM
Monday 24th February 3.30pm - 6pm Parents Evening
Wednesday 26th February 6.30pm PTA AGM
Friday 7th March 3 - 6pm Community Cafe Event

We will be holding a PTA AGM on Wednesday26th February in school at 6.30pm. Every child has come home with a nomination form. WPlease can we ask that you post the forms in the box at the school office by no later than Monday 24th February. We look forward to creating and launching our new PTA with our new parent-kind site to help us all on this exciting journey.

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.


Message from Mrs Laskey


Dear all

It was lovely to return to school yesterday to a warm welcome and many thanks for all your best wishes and kind words. 

During Celebration Assembly this morning the children reminded me of the the three things that Archbishop Bernard has asked us to remember during the Jubilee 2024 - Year of Hope. These being 1. Prayer 2. Social Action and 3. Fundraising. 

The fundraising element was demonstrated yesterday with the Valentine Bake Off. Thank you to all those wh baked and then bought the variety of cakes and biscuits. We raised £298 and this is to support school enrichment. Thank you also to those who organised and volunteered to support the successful event. 

I asked all the children during assembly to think about how they could be a pilgrim of hope. 

I wish you all a lovely half term break. 

Mrs Laskey 




KS1 Name Year Group
1st Violet W Year 1
2nd Emilia A Year 2
3rd Freddie S Year 2
KS2 Name Year Group
1st Amelia F Year 5
2nd Carmen P Year 4
3rd Ruby Year 6

Sprint Active After School Club - Spring 2

February Half Term 
Kidderminster Harriers Community Scheme will be holding our holiday football courses during half term. Course run 10am-3pm and are open to children aged 5-13 years. Younger children can attend for half days if they prefer.  The courses will feature our Goalscorers Award and a mini soccer tournament, everyone who competes receive a prize.
Cost: Online price: 1 day = £10, 2 days = £20, 3 days = £28 Half days (5-7 years only)@ £5 per day 10-12.30 or 1-3pm - 10% sibling discount 
Pay on the day price:  1 day = £12, 2 days = £22, 3 days = £30 Half days @ £6 per day- No sibling discount
The venues are:- 
Droitwich Cricket Club– Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th 
Kinver Sports & Community Association DY7 6ER - Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th   
Worcester – Bishop Perowne College - Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th 
Bromsgrove - South Bromsgrove High School - Wednesday 19th & Thursday 20th 
Cleobury Mortimer Sports Centre - Thursday  20th & Friday 21st  
Kidderminster – Baxter College - Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th & Friday 21st 
Please bring both indoor and outdoor footwear, packed lunch, drinks, umbrella and waterproof clothing. Online price is available until Friday 14th Feb after which pay on the day price applies. 
To book a place email harrierscommunity@hotmail.co.uk We do not save you details so please email details EACH time you book 
 Name:                           Age:               Any Medical Conditions:              Emergency Contact number: 
 Course Venue:                                                      Days attending:                                      
 Payment details will be sent with confirmation of booking. 
Note - We will only send you emails if you have previously enrolled on a course
Please email STOP with the venue you attended ie STOP DROITWICH if you no longer wish to receive Community Trust emails
OTHER ACTIVITITES - Weekly Football during Term time for 5-12 years
                                      Wednesdays 4.45-5.45pm at Baxter College for 5-9 year olds. Cost £3 per session
                                       Saturdays 10-11.15am at Baxter College for 5-12 year olds. (3-4 year olds from March). Cost £3 per session
 Adult Football - 40 Plus Football - Wednesdays & Fridays 6-7pm at Baxter College
                           - 50 plus Jogging Football Mondays & Fridays 10.30-11.30am at Wyre Forest Leisure Centre
                           - Strictly Walking Only Football - Wednesdays 10-11am at Wyre Forest Leisure Centre                           -
                            - Womens weight loss Football - Wednesdays 6-7pm at Baxter College Gym
Year Group Date and Time
Y1 Thursday 6th March 9am
Y5 Friday 21st March 9am
Y3 Friday 4th April 9am
Year Group Date and Time
Reception Tuesday 4th March 9am
Y2 Tuesday 25th March 9am
Year Group Homework Task
Reception Reading- Fred Cards and Reading book 5x week and recording on boom reader at least 3x week. Maths- Numbots. Show and Tell talk homework. Each child has been sent a date to do this.
Year 1 Year One Spellings is on a Monday. Children practice on spelling shed. 
Year 2 Each week your child will have the following homework. On paper in their books: A list of spellings from spelling shed to copy out once. A spelling shed homework sheet to fill in. Times tables practice (x2, x5 or x10) Online: NumBots / Times Tables Rock Stars games Spelling Shed games The login's for NumBots, Times Tables Rock Stars games and Spelling Shed are stuck in the front cover of you child's homework book. Thank you for your continued support.
Year 3 Spellings - Weekly spelling words are set on Spelling Shed but a list is also sent home in Homework books. A worksheet is sent to accompany the children's understanding of these words. It is important that spellings are written with letters sat on the line, not joined up and correctly formed to show that the children can spell them correctly. Spelling Test is on a Wednesday. Reading - Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week and this is to be logged on Boom reader or in reading diaries. Maths - Weekly Maths worksheet sent home and times tables challenges are also set weekly on Times Tables Rockstars. Homework is due on a Wednesday and given out on a Thursday.
Year 4 Year 4 are expected to practise their spellings for that week using Spelling Shed games- trying their best to achieve 'Royal Bee' status. All children have a username and log in for the website. They will also receive a written copy of the spelling words for reference and a spelling worksheet that must be completed- all in their homework book. Homework is set on Thursday and is handed in on/before Wednesday. If you have any questions or your child needs some support, please don't hesitate to contact Miss Noble. year4_amb@emmausmac.com
Year 5 Year 5 needs to play the spelling shed games and write a minimum of 5 sentences, with their chosen words from the spelling set for this week, in their homework books. For Maths - to complete a sheet in their homework book.
Year 6 Spelling Test is on a Wednesday, and any written homework is typically due in on Tuesday, (if different, the children write it at the top of their homework book). Spellings can either be practised on Spelling Shed, or in their homework books. On Spelling Shed there is a weekly test to practice for, alongside a Y6 Bumper SATs words list that children can be practising over the next few months. They can also play the Mastery Zone. Children are encouraged to play grammar games on Spelling Shed (phases 3-6 as this covers all of Key Stage 2). They should be playing on Times Tables Rockstars regularly, mainly on Studio and Gig, to ensure good knowledge of their multiplication facts. Any written homework (maths / grammar / reading) will be given out on a Thursday or Friday, ready to be marked together the following week.

Upcoming Themed Menu

Please also note that there has been a slight change to Ash Wednesday (6th of March). Tuesday will be Roast Dinner Day and Ash Wednesday is a 'No Meat Day' with Pizza & Pasta options.

Upcoming Events


Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide. 

The Attendance Policy 2024-2025 states that:
Parents are asked to inform the school before 8.50a.m. on their child's first day of absence. This can be done via telephone (01562 823568) or email (enquiry_amb@emmausmac.com).  Parents are asked to keep the school informed of the child's continued absence if it does not constitute the 48 hours rule for the sickness bug. 

We will continue sending out regular communications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Times of the School Day

8.40a.m. Gates open

8.50a.m. Gates close and registration in class

8.50a.m. - 9.20a.m. Late before close of register

After 9.20a.m. - Late (unauthorised) 



Like and Follow our page on Facebook to keep up to date with all the comings and goings at St Ambrose!

Please ensure you have given social media consent on Arbor if you would like your child to be featured!

Please see the leaflet regarding our Nursery. If you or anyone you may know has a child of nursery age please can we ask that you pass on the information regarding the St Ambrose Nursery.



Reception Monday
Year 1 Tuesday and Thursday
Year 2 Monday and Wednesday
Year 3 Tuesday (swimming) and Thursday
Year 4 Tuesday and Friday
Year 5 Tuesday (swimming) and Friday
Year 6 Monday and Friday

Folk Mass this Term - Sunday at 6p.m. 16th February 23rd March 27th April

Kind Regards,

Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby