Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 13th September 2024


Year 6 Confirmation will take place on Saturday 7th December at 12 noon.
Letters from Canon Lamb have been distributed today.

At Alliance in Partnership we work hard to provide all of our schools with healthy, tasty and nutritious meals to ensure all of the schools pupils are able to complete their school days happy!
Please take 5 short minutes to complete the survey in the link below, on completion you may also be in with a chance to win a £10 love to shop voucher!
Your feedback is very important to us to ensure we continue to maintain quality, consistency and enjoyment for all children!
Kind regards
Paige Ward

Hagley Catholic High School Open Morning

Tuesday 17th September | Morning | Swimming starts for Year 4 and Year 6 - please see Arbor for consent |
Wednesday 18th September | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Year 4 |
Tuesday 24th September | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 1 Curriculum Workshop |
Wednesday 25th September | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 2 Curriculum Workshop |
Thursday 26th September | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 3 Curriculum Workshop |
Friday 27th September | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Year 5 - Feast of St Vincent de Paul (Class Saint) |
Monday 30th Deptember | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Reception Curriculum Workshop |
Tuesday 1st October | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Year 2 - Feast of St Therese of Lisieux (Class Saint) |
Wednesday 2nd October | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 4 Curriculum Workshop |
Wednesday 2nd October | Morning | Year 6 Trip |
Thursday 3rd October | 2.45p.m. | Animal Blessing (School Playground) |
Friday 4th October | INSET DAY | |
Saturday 5th October | 9.00a.m. to 12.30p.m. | Hagley Catholic High School |
Wednesday 9th October | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 5 Curriculum Workshop |
Thursday 10th October | 9.00a.m. to 10.15a.m. | Year 6 Curriculum Workshop |
Friday 11th October | 9.30a.m. | Harvest Mass for the whole school |
Wednesday 16th October | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Year 3 |
Friday 18th October | 9.30a.m. to 11.30a.m. | St Ambrose Open Morning |
Tuesday 22nd October | 3.40p.m. to 6.10p.m. | Parents' Evening |
Wednesday 23rd October | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 |
Thursday 24th October | 3.40p.m. to 6.10p.m. | Parents' Evening |
Friday 25th October | Break up for half term |

Teapot Time will commence on Tuesday 24th of September in the Parish Hall from 8.50am - 9.30am. If anyone would like to speak to Mrs Wallace in the mean time please come to the school office.
Message from Mrs Laskey
Dear Parents and Carers
I cannot believe that we have come to the end of our second week after the summer break. The children have settled back into the school routine well and are active in their learning.
This week it has been lovely to welcome so many parents, carers and grandparents to our ‘Meet and Greet’ the teacher sessions. Walking round and seeing the children sharing where they sit, pointing out their peg and other parts of the classroom has been really encouraging and shows that they have settled well.
Following on from last year's successful curriculum workshops we are again inviting you into school to receive information about the curriculum that your child will be learning this year. These sessions will also provide you with information about how you can help your child at home. During the session you will also be given an opportunity to work with your child.
The dates for each year group are below and each one will start at 9 a.m. Please sign in at the school office as the sessions will take place in the school hall. If you are unable to attend the Powerpoint produced will be available on your child’s class website page and any copies of materials will be sent out to you.
If you would like a grandparent to attend in your absence that is fine and if younger siblings are attending there will be toys and books to play with in the hall.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend
Mrs Laskey
Reception | Monday 30th September |
Year One | Tuesday 24th September |
Year Two | Wednesday 25th September |
Year Three | Thursday 26th September |
Year Four | Wednesday 2nd October |
Year Five | Wednesday 9th October |
Year Six | Thursday 10th October |

Barnardos Information

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.

Reception | Monday |
Year 1 | Monday and Tuesday |
Year 2 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday (swimming) and Friday |
Year 5 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 6 | Tuesday (swimming) and Friday |
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Term Dates
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby