Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 13th December 2024

There will be no swimming for Y4 and Y6 next week.

Can we please reiterate that you must not park on the zig zag lines outside of school at drop off and pick up times. The zigzags are there to allow parents and children to exit school and cross the road safely by giving a better view of the road.
Wednesday 18th December:
Children can wear a Christmas Hat or Headwear to take part in our Santa Dash!
They can also wear a Christmas jumper in place of their school jumper!
Thursday 19th December:
Mufti Day - Children can wear own clothes, the more Christmassy the better!
Message from Mrs Laskey
This week we held our Nativity production from the children in Reception and Key Stage One and our Carol Concert from Key Stage Two. They were both fabulous events and it was wonderful to see all the children taking part. 'Don’t Be Afraid’ was performed by all the children in Reception, Year One and Year Two and it was a perfect way to remind us of the importance of Christmas. The children sang their hearts out and this was matched by the clear voices when saying their lines. Well done to all the children and thank you to all the staff in Key Stage One who supported them.
The Carol Concert from Key Stage Two was excellent, and it was lovely to see all the children work together to create such a wonderful sound. The choice of songs, carols and readings made us all think about the important event of Jesus' birth. There were a few members of the parish who attended and I received some lovely comments from them. Well done to all the children in Key Stage Two and thank you to all the staff for organising the concert.
Thank you to all those who were able to attend these events, it was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and friends supporting the children.
Thank you also to the TAPP for organising the mini Christmas Bazaar on Wednesday and for the the teas and coffee available this morning prior to the concert. They made an amazing £270.
This afternoon we continued with our preparation for Christmas by taking part in our first Emmaus MAC Advent Liturgy. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children of our MAC to pray together during this very special liturgical session of Advent.
As we enter the final week of term, we look forward to welcoming Reception, Year One and Year Two parents to the Christmas workshops and taking part in the Santa Dash on Wednesday. Then on Thursday we will have our Christmas sing along followed by Christmas lunch and then our final whole school Mass of this year on Friday morning. Please see the diary dates for more information.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Laskey

Monday 16th December | 9.15 - 10.15am | Nursery Nativity -in the School Hall |
Tuesday 17th December | 9.05a.m.-10a.m. | Reception and Year Two Christmas Workshops for Parents |
Wednesday 18th December | 9.05a.m.-10a.m. | Year One Christmas Workshops for Parents |
Wednesday 18th December | Santa Dash - Children can wear a Christmas jumper and a Santa hat ready for the Santa Dash. | |
Thursday 19th December | Whole School Christmas Party Day - Children can wear their own party clothes/Christmas jumper. Please make sure you order their Christmas lunch on School Food United. | |
Friday 20th December | 9.30a.m. | Whole School Mass in church |

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations of toiletries in support of the Reverse Advent Calendar Appeal. You are still able to send items in up until we break up for Christmas. Thank you for your continued support.
We have over 140 items. Let's see if we can reach 200 before Thursday.

Please see the flyer for more information on the after school sports club for the spring term that are delivered by Sprint Active.
Please also note the reduction in session cost from £5 to £3 per session per child.
Reverse Advent Calendar

Top Barn Nativity Experience

Harriers Holiday Football Club

Like and Follow our page on Facebook to keep up to date with all the comings and goings at St Ambrose! We currently have 187 followers lets get the target of 200 by Christmas.
Please ensure you have given social media consent on Arbor if you would like your child to be featured!

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular communications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Times of the School Day
8.40a.m. Gates open
8.50a.m. Gates close and registration in class
8.50a.m. - 9.20a.m. Late before close of register
After 9.20a.m. - Late (unauthorised)
Nativity Dates

Date | Event | Time |
Monday 16th December | Nursery Nativity | 9.15-10.15am in the school hall |
Please see the leaflet regarding our Nursery. If you or anyone you may know has a child of nursery age please can we ask that you pass on the information regarding the St Ambrose Nursery.

Term Dates

Reception | Monday |
Year 1 | Monday and Tuesday |
Year 2 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday (swimming) and Friday |
Year 5 | Wednesday and Friday |
Year 6 | Tuesday (& swimming) |
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Folk Masses for this Term
First Mass of Christmas Tuesday 24th December at 5p.m.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby