Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'

Executive Head: Mrs E Brocklesby
Head of School: Mrs S Laskey
email: enquiry_amb@emmasumac.com
Contact number: 01562 823568
Our Catholic Mission: 'We do our best by following Jesus.'
Friday 10th May 2024

We will no longer be using School Life to send out messages, emails or other notifications. All communication from school will now be through Arbor. If you have not already registered for Arbor and need some assistance please speak to the school office. Many thanks.

Can we please kindly ask for any donations of bedding plants for the flower bed near the main school gate.

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May | All Day | Year Six SATs Week |
Monday 13th May | 3p.m. | Year One - Come and Pray with Us |
Wednesday 15th May | 9.15a.m. | Class Mass - Year Five |
Thursday 16th May | 9a.m. | Reception Vision Screening - parental opt out (letter to be sent out) |
Monday 20th May | 3p.m. | Year Three - Come and Pray with Us |
Wednesday 22nd May | 9.15 a.m. | Class Mass - Year Four |
Wednesday 22nd May | All Day | Year Six School Trip |
Wednesday 22nd May | 6p.m. | First Holy Communion Meeting |
Friday 24th May | 9.05a.m. | Reception Class Assembly |
Wednesday 12th June | All Day | Reception School Trip |
Saturday 15th June | 12noon | First Holy Communion Mass |
Monday 8th July | All Day | Year Four School Trip |
Message from Mrs Brocklesby
All of next week, our wonderful children in Year 6 will be showing their brilliance in the end of Key Stage 2 assessments, know as the SATs. They will be taking papers in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Maths. I know that they will work incredibly hard so please be especially kind and respectful to them next week - they will be very tired!
Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers |
Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts with white shirt and yellow/black tie |
White shirt and yellow/black tie |
Yellow and white checked dress |
Burgundy jumper/cardigan with embroidered badge |
Burgundy jumper/cardigan with embroidered badge |
Flat black shoes – not boots or trainers |
Flat black shoes or sandals – not trainers |
Grey tights or socks |
White socks |
- Black shorts (summer)/black joggers (winter)
- Burgundy t-shirt with logo
- E pumps or trainers
- Bag to hold pumps, t-shirt, and shorts/joggers.
Key stage 2 only: Swimming costume, towel, and swimming cap
Message from Mrs Laskey
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you all had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and that you managed to enjoy the sunshine. As the good weather has crept up on us, please ensure that your child comes into school with sun cream on and brings a water bottle and cap/hat into school.
I had the pleasure of joining Year One this week on their school trip to Hartlebury Castle. They had a great day learning all about life in the Victorian times. The Victorian teacher, Mrs Cleverly was very impressed with the children's behaviour and their beautiful manners. They all sat straight, listened and followed the instructions. The children were brilliant at answering the questions and when walking round the museum they showed great curiosity by asking lots of questions. Well done to Year One you were great ambassadors of St Ambrose.
Valeria: I loved playing with the hoop trying to get it to roll. I did not give up even through it was hard.
Freddie: I tried with the stilts even though it was hard. It was fun.
Nicole: I loved writing on the slate in the classroom.
Henry: It was amazing and I loved all the old toys.
Sylvie: My favourite part was seeing the rocking horse.
Paddy: The teachers was strict.
Olivia: I had to wear the dunces cap and stand in the corner.
Jamie: I would not like to have been a child in Victorian times.
Yesterday, as a whole school we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension by attending Mass. At the Ascension we remember Jesus returning to his Father in Heaven. Well done to all the readers who read so clearly and to all the children for singing so beautifully and joining in with the responses. Two members of the parish spoke to me at the end of Mass and said 'Pass on my thanks to all of the children as their singing was lovely and their behaviour was impeccable' and another said 'Well done to all involved, especially the readers'. Thank you to Canon Lamb and to all the altar servers for helping him.
Today we embraced the sunshine as Year Four Class Assembly took us all to the seaside! We all visited Whitby as part of the assembly, the children shared the different landmarks there and reminded us of the delicious fish and chips and ice cream that is a must when you go to the seaside. Thank you to Miss Noble and Mrs Bailey for supporting the children and thank you to all the parents, carers and grandparents who were able to attend. It was lovely to hear the traditional song of ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!’ Well done Year Four for presenting such a wonderful assembly.
Please keep all of our Year Six children in your prayers for next week as they complete their SATs, that they have been working so hard towards.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Laskey

Regular attendance at school means that your child will make the most of their education and improve their chances later on in life. At St Ambrose, good attendance is of high importance and we strive to have at least 96% attendance. Please help us with this target. If you need any support, then school is here to help so that your child can get the very best out of the education we provide.
We will continue sending out regular push notifications about attendance so that you are aware if you child falls below our 96% target and we are working with Louise Howles, our Education Welfare Officer to support us with improvements.
Please see the ‘Come and Pray with Us’ sessions below.
On the afternoon, please come to the School Reception (Office) and sign in. Grandparents and younger siblings are welcome to attend.
Date |
Time |
Year Group |
Monday 13th May 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year One |
Monday 20th May 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Three |
Monday 3rd June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Six |
Monday 10th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Four |
Monday 17th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Reception |
Monday 24th June 2024 |
3 p.m. |
Year Two |

On Wednesday Year 1 went on their school trip to Hartlebury Castle and Museum. They had a wonderful day and this is what some of the children had to say:

Upcoming Special Menus

Reception | Friday |
Year 1 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 2 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 3 | Tuesday and Thursday |
Year 4 | Tuesday and Friday |
Year 5 | Tuesday and Wednesday |
Year 6 | Tuesday |
Mass Times at St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Term Dates

Term | Dates |
Autumn Term 1 | Monday 4th September - Friday 27th October |
Autumn Term 2 | Monday 6th November - Friday 22nd December |
Spring Term 1 | Monday 8th January - Friday 9th February |
Spring Term 2 | Monday 19th February - Friday 22nd March |
Summer Term 1 | Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May |
Summer Term 2 | Monday 3rd June - Monday 22nd July |
Staff Training Days | Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th September 23. Friday 6th October 23. Friday 9th February 24. Monday 22nd July 24. |
Kind Regards,
Mrs Laskey and Mrs Brocklesby